May Mission Month

More Like Jesus

More Like Jesus

More people living, loving and leading like Jesus.

More people joining with God in His restorative work across the street and across the world. More people experiencing and expressing the transforming love and hope of Jesus. More followers of Jesus sharing their faith in relevant and authentic ways. More faith communities reaching out to share God’s love through word and deed.

That’s what our neighbourhoods and world need… more people more like Jesus.

Key ideas

Growing as authentic followers of Jesus
Mark 1: 16-20
Living more like Jesus
Doing the works of Jesus
Mark 1:21-42
Loving more like Jesus
Investing in people like Jesus
Mark 3:13-19
Leading more like Jesus
Partnering together in God’s mission
Mark 3:31-35
Working together more like Jesus

Key video


This is the key video for the Mending! series. It has been created as a starting point for churches and small groups to explore the Mending! theme and engage with the full series.

Leader's guides

Whether you’re a pastor, a youth leader or children’s ministry leader, we’ve created resources to help you and your church engage with the More Like Jesus series and partner with God in His mission!

More resources coming soon!

The full suite of More Like Jesus resources for all ages will be added throughout February and March 2025. These will include:

  • Key More Like Jesus video
  • Intercultural team member update videos
  • Filmed sermons
  • Giving and projects information
  • Prayer resources
  • Children’s resources
  • Podcast series
  • Promo pack

If you have any particular questions about May Mission Month resources or partnership opportunities, please get in touch with our team.

Prayer resources

Your faithful prayer partnership is one of the greatest gifts you can give. Here you will find prayers inspired by the key themes of the Mending! series, as well as resources to equip prayer for our teams and ministry all year around.


Across the Mending! podcast series, host Susan Campbell (Baptist Mission Australia Associate Executive Director) talks to people around the world who are joining with God in mending a beautiful, broken world. Be inspired and encouraged!


We can only do it together! Your generosity is enabling our team members to play their part in God’s life-changing mission. Partner in our work knowing that you and your church’s investment will make an eternal difference.

Give to the most needed areas

Your donation will be allocated to the ministry area most in need of financial support.

Give to our teams

Give towards our team member’s ministries and projects, as they serve God around the world.

Church giving forms

Fill out this Excel spreadsheet and we can send individual receipts to your church members. Email it back to us.


Promo pack

We’ve created posters, Powerpoint slides, and information you can add to your church bulletin, so you can easily share May Mission Month resources with your church, small group or family.


Intercultural team update videos

Each year, our wonderful, passionate intercultural team members produce short video updates for you and your church. Be encouraged by stories, reflections and updates from the team members you partner with.

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Filmed sermons

Sermons have been recorded for each of the four key Mending! themes. These can be used with your in-person or online service. They are 15-20 minutes each and include an exploration of the passage/s as well as global and local mission stories.

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Every May Mission Month, I have the opportunity to travel across the country to speak in churches and meet with pastors, leaders and supporters. I am always struck by the passionate, prayerful and generous engagement of so many Baptist churches and supporters! Our ministry across Africa, Asia and Australia is fuelled by these faith communities and faithful people. I can't wait for May Mission Month 2025!

Connect with our team

We are here to help you and your church get involved with May Mission Month 2025.  

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To make a donation, ask a question, subscribe to a resource or share feedback, please contact our team via 1800 329 165 or

Thank you!