May Mission Month

More Like Jesus

Promote May Mission Month with your church by using items from this promo pack!

Key video


Watch and share this video to see how you and your church can explore the Mending! theme.


Promotional poster can be printed as A3 or A4. Please contact our team if you would like printed posters mailed to you.

More Like Jesus poster


You can use this May Mission Month Powerpoint template during church services and sermons.

Mending! Powerpoint

QR codes

These QR codes can be included in your church’s bulletin or other printed or online material to help people easily access May Mission Month resources and webpages. Click and download them below.

May Mission Month homepage

Pastors & Leaders resources
Partner through giving

Bulletin / website text

Below is a piece of sample text that can be included in your church’s bulletin, website or Facebook to promote May Mission Month engagement with your congregation. There are three versions of different lengths, depending on how many words you are able to include.

90 words

We are heading into the More Like Jesus series for May Mission Month. In our church, our neighbourhood and our world… we want to see more people living, loving and leading like Jesus! Throughout this series, we will dig into passages from Mark and explore how we can all become more like Jesus. Let’s unite in partnership with Baptist Mission Australia’s intercultural teams and get excited about all that God is doing through His people in neighbourhoods near and far. We can only do it together! Explore all the resources:

70 words

We are heading into the More Like Jesus series for May Mission Month. In our church, our neighbourhood and our world… we want to see more people living, loving and leading like Jesus! Let’s unite in partnership with Baptist Mission Australia’s intercultural teams and get excited about all that God is doing through His people in neighbourhoods near and far. We can only do it together! Explore all the resources:

50 words

We are heading into the More Like Jesus series for May Mission Month! Let’s unite in partnership with Baptist Mission Australia’s intercultural teams and get excited about all that God is doing through His people in neighbourhoods near and far. We can only do it together! Explore all the resources:


Add our logos to your church’s bulletin or other printed material.

Our black and white logo

Thank you for your partnership!

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To make a donation, ask a question, subscribe to a resource or share feedback, please contact our team via 1800 329 165 or

Thank you!