
Baptist Mission Australia has an exciting, compelling vision. We exist to see more people experiencing and expressing the transforming love and hope of Jesus.
I love Baptist Mission Australia’s commitment to contextual mission. It opens opportunities to explore how faith in Jesus can be lived out in ways that make sense all over the world. As we seek for God’s Kingdom to come in our host communities, we are reminded that the Holy Spirit is working both in the cultures that we carry, and the cultures we are entering into.
Sally | Mozambique team member

For more than 140 years we have provided opportunities for people to embrace the Great Commission and the Great Commandment and serve Jesus across the world and in Australia.
As we look back – we see that innovation, change and responding to God’s world as it actually is has always been part of Baptist Mission Australia’s story. And now, seemingly more than ever, we need that Spirit-led innovation to empower us to respond to our changing world.
We value the importance of Gospel proclamation and demonstration. We embody the good news of Jesus by word and deed. Throughout our history and within our ministry today, you will see that innovation and sharing God’s love are front and centre in our story.

As we seek to model the way of Jesus, we value the importance of incarnation and contextualisation. Put simply, we see that Jesus came alongside people in specific contexts and with unique needs. We see that He wasn’t interested in religion, but focused on life-transforming relationship.

We walk alongside people.

We share in everyday life. We live as learners so that when we share the good news of Jesus, we share it in ways that make sense in that culture, language and context.
We live in a rapidly changing world and we see that missional approaches need to look different. In such a context we are committed to playing our part in fostering innovative, polycentric (many centres), polyvocal (many voices) initiatives, collaborating with partners across the globe.
In addition to sending passionate long term team members, we are increasingly seeking to employ national and near neighbour workers, as together we support the development of locally-led ministries.

It’s not one size fits all! We are focused on sending the right people to the right places, in the right roles and at the right times. And in this changing world, we embrace strategic, flexible sending, that will see people serving in full-time, part-time, bi-vocational and hybrid roles.
We celebrate there are many great mission organisations across Australia, but if you’re considering long or short-term intercultural service we have an experienced team ready to discern with you.
Looking for ways to serve?

Long term mission
For those who have a heart to build relationships with people and share the Gospel over the long haul.

Short term mission
For those who are looking to serve alongside our global long-term teams, for up to 12 months.

Current opportunities
There are many mission openings waiting to be filled in various locations around the world.
How did I get here?
Have you ever wondered how intercultural team members go from living in Australia, to packing up their lives and moving to a different country? Discover fascinating stories of their unique journeys into intercultural mission.
We would love to sit and talk with anyone from across our movement, or other places, who feels a call to intercultural service. I am greatly encouraged by the tailored, personal discernment pathway our team provide and our commitment to helping people find their unique place in God’s big mission story.
Scott Pilgrim | Executive Director

Interested in serving with Baptist Mission Australia?
If you’re interested in exploring long-term or short-term mission opportunities, your first step is simply to complete the form below!
Interested in serving with Baptist Mission Australia?
If you’re interested in exploring long-term or short-term mission opportunities, your first step is simply to complete the form below!