May Mission Month

More Like Jesus

Pastors and Leaders

The Pastor’s and Leader’s Guide is the foundational resource for the More Like Jesus theme. It explores the four key ideas of More Like Jesus and has been written as a launching pad for sermons and small group discussions.

We pray that the ideas explored will enrich your faith community as you engage with God’s mission and seek to be more like Jesus.

Leader’s guide

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This resource has been written by four members of our National Team – Geoff Maddock (VIC & TAS), Lisa Cornish (SA, NT & WA), Andrew Duncan and Nathan Reid (NSW & ACT). Geoff, Lisa, Andrew and Nathan bring their lived experience, passion for God’s mission and love for people into this Guide.

How to use this resource

The Pastor’s and Leader’s Guide has been developed as a launching pad for leaders to explore the key ideas of the More Like Jesus series with churches and small groups.

Each session has an introduction of the key idea and scripture, key takeaways, mission stories to use as illustrations, questions for small groups and a prayer. This guide can be used as a four week series or as standalone sessions.

Session overviews

Growing as authentic followers of Jesus

In this passage we witness the inspiring call and response of the first disciples. This biblical account highlights a pivotal moment in human history when ordinary fishermen meet Jesus and make a life-changing, world-transforming choice. Their quick and wholehearted response encourages us to reflect on our own journey of following Jesus in the everyday choices we make.

Our modern tendency to preference safety and security must be held up to the light of this Gospel story. Despite knowing so little, not having seen Jesus’ miracles or heard his extensive teachings, these ordinary, imperfect people responded to the call with a faithfulness that is inspiring and challenging.


Mark 1:16-20

Key points
  1. The power of immediate obedience
  2. The reality of sacrifice
  3. Faith before full understanding
Doing the works of Jesus

In Mark 1:21-42, we see the beginning of Jesus’ public ministry – and Mark highlights Jesus’ commitment to proclaiming and demonstrating the good news. Jesus teaches with conviction, casts out demons, heals the sick and withdraws to pray.

Each action reveals a profound reality: Jesus isn’t merely proclaiming the Kingdom of God… He’s embodying it


Mark 1:21-42

Key points
  1. Teaching with authority
  2. Demonstrating compassion through healing
  3. Living in dependence on God through prayer
Investing in people like Jesus

Jesus was committed to walking alongside others as He pursued his Father’s mission vision. He invested in people with intentionality. He invested in the development of missional leaders in the context of Kingdom community. We are called to do the same–locally and across our changing world.

Jesus is not about collecting a set of adoring fans or passive recipients of his ministry. He is about creating a ministering community. He does not hoard His power and authority to Himself but shares it generously, empowering His disciples and sending them out to minister in word and deed.


Mark 3:13-19

Key points
  1. Leaders are called and formed by Jesus
  2. Leaders are invested in and sent out
  3. Investing in a diversity of leaders
Partnering together in God’s mission

What does it mean to be partners in God’s mission? When Jesus chose to live on earth as Saviour of the world, He was doing the will of God his Father. He willingly, in love, gave up His place in heaven at the Father’s side to live on earth, walking alongside those He gave His life to save.

In Mark 3:31-35 Jesus declares that His family, His brothers and sisters, is the family of God is made up of those who choose to do the will of God. It is people who are partnering together to bring love, hope and peace to a broken and troubled world. This declaration remains a vital part of the Christian life.


Mark 3:31-35

Key points
  1. Partnering with Jesus to do God’s will
  2. Partnering together as family in Christ
  3. Partnering for the future

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