May Mission Month

Bible study
We value your prayers for our teams and ministry.
Your faithful prayer partnership is one of the most consequential gifts you can give. Here you will find resources to equip you to pray throughout the Mending! series and beyond.
Reflective prayers
Use these rich and reflective prayers for each of the four Mending! themes as an individual or group. Share them upfront in a service, or as part of prayer stations or a prayer walk. Thank you to theologian and author, Rev Dr Graham Joseph Hill for writing these prayers.
Creator God,
May our walk with the Spirit bring renewal and mending to a beautiful, broken world.
We humbly come before you seeking:
Guidance to walk by your Spirit, avoiding the desires of the flesh,
Cultivation within us of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control,
Strength to live in a community that reflects your Spirit, fostering unity and love among us,
Encouragement to embrace our role as co-menders in your Kingdom, using our gifts and experiences to bring healing and hope,
Clarity to discern your will and direction in our lives and the courage to follow where you lead,
Inspiration from those around us who live by the Spirit, learning from their examples and being spurred on to grow,
And a deepened commitment to living out the fruits of the Spirit in all our lives, impacting those we meet with your love and grace.
We pray that our lives, transformed by your Spirit, would be a testament to your power and love, drawing others to you and participating in your mission of mending the world.
Make us vessels of your peace and healing, equipped and willing to join you in this beautiful work of renewal.
Lord Jesus,
Guide us as we seek to build authentic, meaningful relationships in your name.
As your followers, may our lives reflect your incarnational love:
Stepping into our communities with intention and grace,
Fostering connections and friendships that transcend barriers,
Sharing our lives and stories, revealing your transformative work within us,
Investing time and heart into understanding and empathising with others,
Seeking to live out your words, ways and works daily,
Embracing our role as co-menders in a broken world,
Demonstrating humility, kindness and patience in all our interactions,
Encouraging and uplifting those around us, becoming beacons of your hope and love,
Actively participating in your mission to heal and restore,
And always relying on your Spirit to guide and empower us in these endeavours.
Lord Jesus, we depend on your strength and wisdom to be credible witnesses of your love, forming deep, lasting relationships that reflect your heart for community and mending.
Lord Jesus,
Empower us as bearers of your holistic Gospel.
As your followers, may our lives mirror your mission:
Proclaiming your good news to the poor and marginalised,
Bringing freedom and healing, in word and deed,
Seeking justice and restoration for the oppressed,
Combining our words of hope with acts of love,
Asking for guidance to see and meet the needs around us,
Seeing every encounter as an opportunity to serve and share your love,
Glorifying you through our dedication to your holistic mission,
Humbling ourselves to learn from those we serve,
Praying for wisdom and courage to act justly and love mercy,
Going out to be Your hands and feet in a broken world,
Seeking your strength in challenging circumstances,
And rejecting indifference and embracing active compassion.
The cross, the resurrection and the Gospel bring healing to the world.
Lord Jesus, we rely on your Spirit and strength to make us wholehearted participants in your mission, bringing the entire Gospel to the whole world.
Lord Jesus,
Guide us as we strive to be available and responsive to your call.
As your willing servants, may our lives reflect your inviting grace:
Openly seeking and embracing your direction and purpose,
Lovingly engaging with our community and beyond,
Eagerly responding to your call with action and faith,
Transforming our lives to serve better and follow you,
Seeking forgiveness and growth through every step and misstep,
Viewing each day as an opportunity to live out your love,
Glorifying you in our willingness to say, “Here I am, send me.”,
Removing our prejudices and opening our hearts to your leading,
Praying for the courage and strength to follow wherever you guide,
Actively listening for your voice amidst the noise of life,
Going out and embodying your love and light to others,
Seeking your wisdom in every decision and interaction,
And rejecting passivity and embracing your active mission.
The cross, the resurrection and the Gospel empower us to respond to your call.
Lord Jesus, we rely on your Spirit and grace to be ever-ready responders, making ourselves available for your transformative work in the world.
More prayer resources
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Fortnightly e-newsletter with up-to-date stories and prayer points about our ministry and teams.
Ministry updates and prayer points directly from our intercultural team members and those in preparation.
Concise and encouraging ministry stories, regularly added and perfect for church bulletins.
Thank you for praying! Your prayers sustain our teams and open doors for the Gospel to the shared.
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