May Mission Month

More Like Jesus


The More Like Jesus Youth Resource is a collection of four 30+ minute interactive activities connected to the four key ideas of the More Like Jesus series. The activities are designed to be integrated into a fuller youth session or as part of a Sunday service.

To extend the sessions or explore the More Like Jesus themes in your small groups, run the activity alongside questions, explorations and prayers in the More Like Jesus Pastor’s and Leader’s Guide.

Leader’s guide

Session 1: Growing as authentic followers of Jesus


Session 2: Doing the works of Jesus


Session 3: Investing in people like Jesus


Session 4: Partnering together in God’s mission


A big thanks to National Team members Katianna Grosser and Teagan Dwyer-Riviere for writing this Youth Resource.

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Through these activities, youth will be encouraged to lift their eyes to what God is doing both globally and locally.

Characteristics of Jesus

Key idea: Growing as authentic followers of Jesus
Time: 45-60 mins
Activity: Bible story charades that will engage youth in who Jesus is and how they can become more like Him.


Mark 1:16-20


More Like Jesus: Activity 1

Community love in action

Key Idea: Doing the works of Jesus
Time: 30-60 mins
Activity: Practical initiatives that will engage youth with Jesus’ way of showing love through works and words.


Mark 1:21-42


More Like Jesus: Activity 2

Building blocks of relationships

Key Idea: Investing in people like Jesus
Time: 30 mins
Activity: Tower building competition that will help youth learn how to build relationships and invest in people.


Mark 3:13-19


More Like Jesus: Activity 3

World map prayer

Key Idea: Partnering together in God’s mission
Time: 30 mins
Activity: Creative prayer idea that with facilitate prayer for the world, your community and Baptist Mission Australia team members.


Mark 3:31-35


More Like Jesus: Activity 4

World map line drawings

Videos from youth for youth

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