
Jesus invites us to share the Gospel with all the world (Matthew 28:16). Your loving Gift in Will helps make that happen.
There are so many amazing experiences in my journey of faith as a child of God that I cannot keep it to myself! I am overwhelmed by how faithful and good my Heavenly Father has been and continues to be. In my thankfulness for this, I want to do something that goes beyond me.
Kay | Bequester

We know you’ll want to look after those closest to you first. And by including a gift in your Will you’ll also be helping those closest to you remember how much Jesus’ love means to you and them.
Becoming a Gift in Will donor is helping fulfil the Great Commission. Let us know so we can celebrate and pray with you for all those your Gift in Will can reach for Jesus.

The future of Baptist Mission Australia’s ministry will be built on today’s planned Gift in Wills. Together with our most faithful donors we will continue to help people know Jesus for another 140 years.
Thank you for prayerfully considering leaving a gift in your Will to Baptist Mission Australia.

Baptist Mission Australia has partnered with Safewill, Australia’s leading online Will writing service. You can receive 20% off the cost of writing your through Safewill.
Safewill is an easy, secure option to write your Will. It takes less than 30 minutes and will be reviewed by an Australian solicitor.
Leaving a gift in your Will to Baptist Mission Australia is an amazing testament to your faith and an incredible witness to those who love you.
A Will is for everyone. Not just for the wealthy.
A Will means your desires for your estate and those closest to you will be carried out. They don’t need to be expensive or complicated but legal advice will ensure your Will is clear and effective.
- Speak with your solicitor about including a Baptist Mission Australia as a beneficiary of your Will. See suggested wording below.
- Let Baptist Mission Australia know of your plan so we can thank you and ensure we understand how to best honour your generosity. Also contact us if you have any questions prior to establishing your Gift in Will.
- Speak with your family and loved ones so they understand your desire to invest in God’s Kingdom.
Suggested wording to help you succeed in making or changing a Will or codicil.
The words below are a suggestion only. Your solicitor will provide you the best advice on the wording for a Will.
“I give:
- The residue (or percentage) of my estate: or
- The sum of $ (amount or properties or securities)
To Baptist Mission Australia Inc (ABN 74 130 443 130), 597 Burwood Road, Hawthorn, Victoria 3122 for its charitable purposes. I declare the receipt of the Treasurer or other proper officer of Baptist Mission Australia Inc for the time being shall be sufficient discharge to my Executor for the said bequest.”
Your compassionate gift in will can be part of helping fulfil Jesus’ great commission. Becoming a gift in will donor means you will be helping other people stand with you amongst the multitudes praising Jesus.
Any sum of money in your will can help people know Jesus. Here are some examples:
- Your kind gift of $440 in your will helps equip and encourage an intercultural team member spiritually by enabling them to attend a spiritual retreat.
- Your strategic gift of $2,400 in your will trains an intercultural team member in language so they can share about Jesus.
- Your thoughtful gift of $5,390 will provide leadership training for local church leaders in Papua New Guinea, investing into their people.
- Your caring gift of $16,990 will help fund an English teaching platform for a year amongst the K people. This pays local staff, and meets a need in the community. It provides an opportunity for relationship building in the name of Jesus.
- Your loving gift of $39,500 will help translate the Bible into Ciyawo, the heart language of the Yawo in Mozambique. You will be helping them meet Jesus.
For over 140 years Baptist Mission Australia has been helping people hear the good news about Jesus. We are independently accredited and audited. Your loving Gift in Will can help more people hear about Jesus, creating vibrant faith communities. So every tribe, nation, and language group can join in praising Jesus.
Become a Gift in Will supporter
Your loving Gift in Will can help more people hear about Jesus. Let us know so we can celebrate and pray with you for all those your Gift in Will can reach for Jesus.