Roy and Summer

Serving in South Asia

Roy and Summer discovered a shared interest in global mission at university where they first met and trained as physiotherapists. Their interest in the B people grew some ten years later during visits to South Asia with their local church.

Roy Summer video 2024

Roy and Summer have a deep conviction that the good news of Jesus is for all people. They believe they have been called to work in South Asia alongside their local team, living out their faith in holistic witness.

Roy leads the South Asia team, who together, address poverty through education, health, and agriculture projects, while also seeking to make the scriptures more accessible through a Bible App project. Summer’s expertise as a paediatric physiotherapist is highly valued in supporting some of the most vulnerable people in this part of the world.

Roy and Summer are looking to God to bring lasting transformation in this next generation of B people. Your prayerful and financial partnership is enabling them to share God’s love through word and deed. Thank you.

“I wait for the Lord, my whole being waits, and in his word I put my hope.”

PSALM 130:5

Partner with Roy and Summer and share the good news of Jesus in South Asia.

Your gifts will help fund their living and ministry costs. These include:

  • Culture and language learning: $2,500
  • Health: $2,000
  • Flights: $3,000

Please note:
Gifts to Roy and Summer are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Ministry projects in South Asia

Learn about how God is using Summer, Roy and the team in South Asia through these life transforming projects.

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