Pray for mission, prompted by touch, smell, sight, sound and taste.
Resources needed
- Clay, scented candle, lamps, Bibles, bread
Set up stations with various items and information, inviting people to reflect and pray.
- Touch: Use the clay to represent candidates being moulded for intercultural mission. Pray that God would be growing and shaping them to become more like Him and preparing them spiritually for service.
- Smell: Use a scented candle to highlight the ‘otherness’ of the places where our intercultural team members serve. Pray that they have deep cultural understanding so they can share the Gospel in a relevant and understandable way.
- Sight: Use lamps or candles to represent believers being light in spiritually dark places. Pray for courage, wisdom and sensitivity to the Spirit’s leading as local followers of Jesus and intercultural team members seek to share the Good News in all places.
- Sound: Provide Bibles and highlight specific verses about God speaking and revealing Himself to people, even those who don’t know Him. Pray that God would continue to use dreams and visions to stir in the hearts of people in least-reached communities. Pray also that those seeking God would connect with a believer to help discern God’s voice.
- Taste: Use bread to represent the knowledge, resources and hope in Jesus that Australian Baptists hold and can share with the least-reached. Pray that Australian Baptists would respond to God’s call to share Jesus, the Bread of Life, with all… near and far.