Musical Countries

10 - 20 minutes

This Musical Countries activity is a fun way to pray for countries and communities around the world. It is an invitation to pray for Baptist Mission Australia intercultural team members and the communities they serve, while also being active.


How to participate

  1. Split participants into groups of 5-10.
  2. Place or write names of the countries Baptist Mission Australia teams serve on the floor/ ground. (You can print out the country names from the PDF below or use chalk to write them on the ground outside.) Spread countries out in any configuration (e.g. circle or random), but make sure they are not too far apart.
  3. Leader starts music and participants move between the country names. Each round could have a different method of movement, for instance hopping, skipping, walking backwards or closing your eyes and being led by someone else. When the music stops (or the leader simply chooses to say “stop”), participants stop on the closest country name.
  4. Participants have 1-2 minutes to pray for that country and our intercultural team in groups. Provide information for each country, use the Walk the World Intercultural Teams Prayer Guide or simply share the following general prayer points to help participants pray. For each country, pray for:
    • Intercultural team members: Pray that they will continue to form meaningful and Spirit-led relationships with local people. Pray for opportunities to share stories from the Bible.
    • Healthcare and education systems: Pray for all people to be able to access nutritious food, safe drinking water, shelter, healthcare and education. Pray for people of all ages to be able to thrive and reach their full potential.
    • Followers of Jesus: Pray that local believers will continue to grow in their faith and understanding of God’s Word. Pray for faith leaders to be equipped.
    • Seekers: Pray for those who are Gospel curious and open to exploring who Jesus is. Pray for God to place believers into their lives.

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