Australian Intercultural Team

Our Australian Intercultural Team brings together our long-term ministry in Outback Australia among First Nations people and our emerging work among intercultural communities in urban and regional Australia. The new work includes ministry among Muslim women, international students and Khmer communities in New South Wales.


As Australians we celebrate that the nations have come to us. At Baptist Mission Australia, we believe that God has called us to be open to both new opportunities to share the good news of Jesus and also discover new partners from diverse backgrounds to work alongside us in mission.

Coming alongside the local Baptist movements, we have been discerning the call of God to identify strategic opportunities where we can apply what we have learnt in intercultural settings to local mission.

“We acknowledge that the nations have come to our land and take joy in the vibrant tapestry of cultures and religions existing in Australia today. This as an exciting opportunity to spread the message of Jesus in new and creative ways.

Responding to this, our vision encompasses various initiatives:

  • Supporting churches and pastors in expanding their missional imagination
    Offering consultancies and ongoing coaching to help them overcome cultural and religious barriers in reaching diverse communities
  • Engaging with international students on university campuses
  • Strengthening engagement with First Nation Christian leaders
  • Forging new partnerships with diverse intercultural communities nationwide
  • Raising up the next generation of intercultural team members to serve here and around the world”

– Andrew Duncan

Our team operates in the Tanami Desert, north-west of Alice Springs. They work in partnership with a number of churches in remote communities – partnering with followers of Christ and seeking to support them as they develop authentic expressions of Christian faith, critically contextualising biblical discipleship into distinctively Aboriginal modes of expression.

Outback Australia

Since 1946, Baptist Mission Australia has had a presence among the Gurindji and Warlpiri people in Outback Australia, particularly among the communities of Kalkaringi, Lajumanu, Ali Curung, Willowra and Yuendumu.

The team is committed to walking alongside people, sharing faith, discipling believers and empowering leaders.

“The Outback team works across five remote Aboriginal communities in the Northern Territory. Each of the communities are unique and filled with a breathtaking mix of joy and sorrow.

Ministry in these communities is varied too, but at the core of it all is our value of walking with people as they discover and embrace their own distinctive ways of following Jesus.

Learning, listening, encouraging, discipling, praying, loving and living are at the core of what we do in the Outback.

Please pray for the Holy Spirit to continue transforming hearts and lives, as only He can, in these traditional homelands of some of Australia’s First Peoples.”

– Shannon Anderson

Meet the team


Partner with our team and bring the good news of Jesus to intercultural communities in Australia

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