Danny shares six key moments that have led him to serve in Outback Australia with Baptist Mission Australia.
From an early age, I was fascinated with those serving interculturally. I loved hearing them share their stories and challenge us at meetings. My parents often offered hospitality to those on home assignment. I prayed for them and understood their need for support. Some became good friends and mentors, and I was inspired by their biographies.
As a young adult, I grabbed every opportunity to experience other cultures, and started seeing my own lifestyle from their point of view. I was drawn to people from other nations. I visited other countries and went on many short-term team trips. As a pastor I found myself caring for intercultural team members linked to every church I served. I understood more about the sacrifices involved and learnt about reverse culture shock.
30 years ago I visited Yuendumu in the Northern Territory with a few others from our local church, which was connected to the Baptist mission workers there at the time. Concurrently, I became very involved in the Indigenous training college in our country town run by Aboriginal Evangelical Fellowship, and loved getting to know some leaders. 20 years ago we made a family road trip to Central Australia. And then eight years ago I visited Yuendumu again.
My wife Beth and I knew our days of full time work were coming to an end. We were ready to downsize and relocate. We wondered about an intercultural role in the next season. Was it overseas? We talked with lots of people, including many working with various mission organisations. We knocked on some doors. We attended a discernment weekend run by Baptist Mission Australia. We wondered about our responsibilities for our aging mums. Was it fair to let others bear the increased workload caring for them?
Three years ago a prayer call went out for team members to join the Outback Australia team. In ways only God could organise, many things lined up simultaneously and we soon felt peace to apply. Abraham’s call in Genesis 12, Jeremiah’s call in Jeremiah 1 and Jesus’ declaration in Luke 4 each impacted us in a fresh way.
We were able to join an imminent visit to Yuendumu by Baptist Mission Australia national team members. I slept again in the same mission house I had worked on 30 years ago! We bonded deeply with Mat and Shannon Anderson who were serving there. Now Yuendumu has become our base as we walk alongside the Warlpiri leaders and others. God wonderfully keeps building on our journey. Our story continues as we keep learning so much in the remote southern desert communities.