A visual prayer board is a collage of images, words and scriptures that visualises what you are praying for. It’s something you create to display in a prominent place. Every time you see it, it’s a reminder to pray for the things God has placed on your heart for the world.
In Australia and within our churches, it’s easy to forget that millions of people around the world have never heard the message of Jesus in a way that makes sense to them. Around 40% of the world’s people groups have very little or no chance of hearing the good news of Jesus from someone they trust.
You can create a prayer board by yourself or with a group. If you regularly meet with others in the same space (i.e. a small group or youth group), then spend time sharing together what God is laying on your heart and create a visual prayer board together. This will help to unify the group towards a common goal and motivate you to pray.
Resources needed
- Cardstock, pinboard or canvas to act as the board base (or alternatively, you could use part of a wall or the back of a door)
- Glue, pins or blu-tack to adhere items to your board
- Printed photos
- Printed verses
- Other visual prompts such as maps, icons or fabric from around the world
- Pens, pencils, paints or texters to write and/or draw with
- Explore what’s happening around the world. Watch videos, read stories and listen to podcasts from Baptist Mission Australia teams. What is God laying on your heart as you take these stories in? Visit the Joshua Project website to inform yourself about the access, or lack of access, people around the world have to the good news. Watch this video on the injustice of the communities with very few followers of Jesus, how do you respond to this?
- Spend time in prayer with God. Read from your Bible and ask God’s Spirit to align your heart with His for the world.
- Remaining in an attitude of prayer, begin creating your visual prayer board. Create a collage of Bible verses, words of prayer, photos and names of people, places or intercultural team members, maps, art or anything else meaningful that will prompt you to pray.
- Display it somewhere you will see! Whenever you pass it, be prompted to pray for something represented on the board. And keep adding to it over time.
Activity resources and prompts
- Head to Baptist Mission Australia’s Flickr to find images of the people groups we serve among, as well as our teams
- Find high quality free images from around the world here
- Find Christian visuals here and here
Bible verses and passages:
- Matthew 28:19
- Matthew 9:35-38
- Acts 1:8
- Romans 10:13
- Isaiah 6:8 8
- Luke 10:2
- Romans 10:13
- Romans 12:12
- Matthew 18:19-20
- Matthew 7:7
- Name of a country, place, people group or person
- The names of God
- Characteristics of God
- Fruits of the Spirit
- Your prayers and hopes for people and communities around the world (i.e. transformation, justice, God’s love, hope etc.)
Still not quite sure how it all works? Here are some examples of visual prayer boards: