
No matter where we are, we can join God in mending a beautiful, broken world. We don’t bring healing in our strength—we are co-menders with God in Jesus Christ, our Healer and Saviour.

On this page you will find the full suite of Mending! resources for all ages. They are here to help you and your church explore: 

  • The key themes of the Mending! series
  • How God is at work across the world through our teams and your partnership
  • How we can all join with our mending God in His restorative vision for communities near and far

Key Themes

Joining with God in mending a beautiful, broken world.

Four key themes:

The four themes can be run as a four-part series, or each theme can be used a standalone theme. 

  1. Renewing: It starts with us (Galatians 5:16–17, 22–26)
  2. Relating: It’s always about relationships (Matthew 4:18–22)
  3. Restoring: It’s about the whole Gospel for the whole world (Luke 4:14–21)
  4. Responding: It’s about availability (John 1:35–42)
No matter where we are, we can join God in mending a beautiful, broken world. We don’t bring healing in our strength—we are co-menders with God in Jesus Christ, our Healer and Saviour.

Being a co-mender means joining God in renewing creation and communities, developing meaningful and authentic relationships, restoring people and the planet through God’s healing and love, and making ourselves available to be used by God. God is mending a beautiful, broken world in Jesus Christ our Lord. Jesus calls us to be co-menders with God, joining with God wherever He brings healing, shalom, reconciliation and renewal.

Being a co-mender means sharing God’s love and Gospel in compassionate, authentic, and relevant ways. It means partnering together with each other and God – sending and being sent, giving and receiving, serving together as partners in God’s mission.

Pastor's and Leader's Guide

The Pastor's and Leader's Guide has been developed as a launching pad for leaders explore the key themes of the Mending! series with churches and small groups. 

Each theme has an introduction of the theme and scriptures, key takeaways, questions for small groups and a prayer. Each of the sessions can be used as part of the full Mending! series or as a standalone resource.

A big thanks to theologian and author, Rev Dr Graham Joseph Hill, for writing this Pastor's and Leader's Guide.

leader's  guide     
leader's  guide - For printing     

The 'For Printing' version can be printed as an A5 booklet on A4 pages. Please contact us if you would like printed copies mailed to you.

Mending! Series

1. Renewing: It starts with us

We live in a broken world, and our lives are testimonies to this brokenness. Yet, amid this reality, we find hope. Our mending God doesn’t discard us due to our fractures; instead, God desires to use us, broken as we are, transforming our wounds into wellsprings of empathy and strength.

In Galatians 5:16–17, 22–26, we discover that this transformation begins within us, as we are renewed daily by the Holy Spirit, learning to live, look, love and lead more like Jesus.

Scriptures: Galatians 5:16–17, 22–26
Key Points:

  1. Renewing through dependence on the Spirit
  2. Renewing through cultivating the fruit of the Spirit
  3. Renewing through community in the Spirit

2. Relating: It's always about relationships

Matthew 4:18–22 helps us understand how authentic, meaningful relationships are vital for co-mending the world with God. Our Baptist Mission Australia team exemplifies this by embedding themselves within local communities worldwide, fostering genuine connections and living as good neighbours. They cross streets and cultural divides to embody the hope of Jesus through both word and deed.

Like Jesus, who became proximal by moving into our human neighbourhood and investing deeply in personal relationships, we are called to adopt an incarnational, relational approach. 

Scripture: Matthew 4:18–22 
Key Points:

  1. Relating through proximity
  2. Relating through shared lives
  3. Relating as credible witnesses

3. Restoring: It's about the whole Gospel for the whole world

In Luke 4:14–21, Jesus announces His mission to bring holistic restoration. As co-menders, we are called to engage in this mission by responding to the brokenness and injustice around us and worldwide. God envisions a restored creation—people and planet alike—and invites us to participate in this grand, restorative vision.

We are to model Jesus’ approach, combining word and deed, proclamation and demonstration, and expressing God’s love tangibly. 

Scripture: Luke 4:14–21
Key Points:

  1. Restoring through proclamation and demonstration
  2. Restoring through personal engagement
  3. Restoring through community in the Spirit

4. Responding: It's about availability

As we explore John 1:35–42, the Spirit invites us to consider our response to God’s call. How do we, inspired by the previous sessions, become co-menders in our communities and beyond? The journey of mending begins with availability—a willingness to be used by God amidst the competing demands of life.

Scripture: John 1:35–42
Key Points:

  1. Responding with availability
  2. Responding to the call with others
  3. Responding in the power of the Spirit

Mending! (key video)

WATCH  Mending!    
Captions in multiple languages: 

This is the key video for the Mending! series. It has been created as a starting point for churches and small groups to explore the Mending! theme and engage with the full series. Throughout the video, we get a big picture understanding of how God is at work - restoring and renewing - as well as tangible examples of how people around the world are joining with Him as co-menders of a beautiful, broken world. 

Thank you to everyone who has made this video possible:
Scott, Natalisa, Melanie, Peter, Villy, Moo Hei, Cam, Teagan, Phil, Caitlin and Geoff.

Extra special thanks to Baptist Financial Services Australia LTD (BFS) for sponsoring this video. 

Mending! has been produced by Thick Black Frames.

Seeking Alongsiders (recruitment video)


WATCH  seeking alongsiders    

Captions in Multiple Languages:

How is God leading you join with Him in His mission? If you are an alongsider - a listener, a learner, a good news sharer - who is open to exploring the possibilities, then we'd love to start the conversation with you. Let's discern together. 

Baptist Mission Australia has opportunities to serve God and love people across the world and within Australia. We're seeking people of all cultures and backgrounds who live with humility, share God's love through word and deed, pursue justice and love getting alongside people. We're seeking people who want to partner with what God is already doing in the world.

Wonder if this could be you?
Connect with one of our mission coaches >> 

Talk to us        


Video Script

We’re seeking… alongsiders.
We’re seeking listeners, learners and good news sharers.
We’re seeking people of peace, love and prayer.

Alongsiders who humbly seek the Spirit’s leading.
Alongsiders with a sense of adventure and hope.
Alongsiders open to asking God where He would send them.

Across the street or across the world.
South East Asia, Malawi, Thailand, Australia, Cambodia…
Are you open to exploring the possibilities?

Because we’re seeking…
The culturally curious.
The home openers, team players and innovators.
People from all cultures and backgrounds.
Partners already working on location.
Those who live the context everyday, and those who are willing to learn.

We’re seeking alongsiders who welcome a future of mission that builds on the past,
and yet… looks different.
A future of mission that responds to God’s world as it is, and as it’s becoming.
Yes, we’re seeking… alongsiders.

We’re seeking… you? Maybe?
Do you have a heart for God’s world?
And long to see people following Jesus in ways that makes sense them,
in their language and culture?
Do you want to see communities transformed as they experience God’s love and restoration?
And to use your skills and gifts to grow the Kingdom?
Do you want to partner with others in what God is already doing in the world?

Yes? So do we.

In fact it’s what we have been doing for more than 140 years,
sharing God’s love through word and deed.

We believe that every follower of Jesus has a part to play in God’s mission.
And we’re here to help you discern your unique part.
Interested to see how you can join with what God is doing?
Get in touch with the Baptist Mission Australia team… and let’s start the conversation.


Thank you to everyone who made this video possible:
Nithya, Nathan, Lena, Natalisa, Geoff, Dema, Sally, Gunther, Belle, Phil, Scott, Susan, Teagan and Peter.

Extra special thanks to Baptist Financial Services Australia LTD (BFS) for sponsoring this video. 

Seeking Alongsiders has been produced by Thick Black Frames.

Intercultural Team Update Videos

Each year, our wonderful, passionate intercultural team members produce short video updates for you and your church. Be encouraged by stories, reflections and updates from the team members you partner with. 

Thank you for your partnership with them. You are enabling them to serve, sharing God's love through word and deed.






















Silk Road Area

Videos for our intercultural team in the Silk Road Area have a password. Please contact our team to access the password. Mel's Video:

Suzanne's Video:

Eliza and David's video:

Petra and Ben's video:

English Teaching project update video:

Dude, Dustin and Caitlyn's video:

South Asia

Videos for our intercultural team in South Asia have a password. Please contact our team to access the password. ​Anthony and Jacqueline's video:

Lisa's video:


Phil's video:

Ryan and Suzie's video:

Fiona's video:

Local Team Building project video:

Sharing the Good News in New Ways project video:

Rural Income Generation project video:

South East Asia

Videos for our intercultural team in South East Asia have a password. Please contact our team to access the password. Kate's video:

Mike's video:

Dave's video:

Caz's video:

Ally's video:

Daz and Bee's video:

Max and Ezzie's video:

Pat and Joy's video:

Ando's video:

Creation Care project update video:

Education Foundation project update video:


Videos for our intercultural team in India have a password. Please contact our team to access the password.

Giving and Projects

For over 140 years, Baptist Mission Australia - as the Australian Baptist mission - has been sending people to share the good news of Jesus with communities who may otherwise never hear it.

We can only do it together! Your generosity is enabling our team members to play their part in God’s life-changing mission. But we’re not done yet. As we look ahead, we hope to go deeper and wider in the mission. Partner in our work knowing that you and your church’s investment will make an eternal difference.

MAKE A GIFT          

Team Gifts and Projects

This year, we have identified the most pressing needs for each team. These include intercultural team members who are currently undersupported and projects. 

explore team gifts      

Please contact us to discuss partnership opportunities or answer any questions related to your giving. Thank you.


Fundraising Ideas

May (or August!) Mission Munch
Enjoy food together after a service or in homes, asking people to ‘pay’ for the food they eat. Why not include dishes that our intercultural team members eat with their local friends?

Walk, Run or Cycle-A-Thon
Set up a course in or around your church for people to walk, run, cycle, wheel, hop or skip! Sponsor those participating with an amount per lap.

Movie, Trivia or Games Night
Host a fundraising event for people of all ages to enjoy.
Puzzle Wall
Create a large puzzle out of paper and put a price on each piece. As people give, invite them to add puzzle pieces to the wall. You’ll know you have reached your target when the image is complete!

Around the World Photo Gallery
Celebrate culture and God’s love for the world by inviting people to contribute photos they have taken during their travels. Ask for a gold coin donation (or more!) to view the gallery.


How to Give

Individuals can give online through our website (make sure they add the church name in the comments section so the gift is linked to the church's record as well as their individual record.)

Alternatively, the church can receive the funds and transfer to Baptist Mission Australia through a direct deposit, post or via the website. We can send individual receipts to members who have given if you fill and send in the remittance spreadsheet.

For receipts to be issued in the 2023/24 financial year, gifts must be received at our office on or before 30 June 2024.

Prayer Resources

Prayer is critical to Baptist Mission Australia's ministry.

Your faithful partnership through prayer is one of the most consequential gifts you can give. Here you will find resources to equip you to pray inspiried by the Mending! key themes.


Reflective Prayers

Use these rich and reflective prayers for each of the four Mending! themes as an individual or group. Share them upfront in a service, or as part of prayer stations or a prayer walk.   


1. Renewing

Creator God, 

May our walk with the Spirit bring renewal and mending to a beautiful, broken world. 
We humbly come before you seeking:

Guidance to walk by your Spirit, avoiding the desires of the flesh,

Cultivation within us of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
gentleness and self-control,

Strength to live in a community that reflects your Spirit, fostering unity and love among us,

Encouragement to embrace our role as co-menders in your Kingdom, using our gifts and experiences to bring healing and hope,

Clarity to discern your will and direction in our lives and the courage to follow where you lead,

Inspiration from those around us who live by the Spirit, learning from their examples and being spurred on to grow,

And a deepened commitment to living out the fruits of the Spirit in all our lives, impacting those we meet with your love and grace.

We pray that our lives, transformed by your Spirit, would be a testament to your power and love, drawing others to you and participating in your mission of mending the world. 

Make us vessels of your peace and healing, equipped and willing to join you in this beautiful work of renewal. 



2. Relating

Lord Jesus,

Guide us as we seek to build authentic, meaningful relationships in your name. 
As your followers, may our lives reflect your incarnational love:

Stepping into our communities with intention and grace,

Fostering connections and friendships that transcend barriers,

Sharing our lives and stories, revealing your transformative work within us,

Investing time and heart into understanding and empathising with others,

Seeking to live out your words, ways and works daily,

Embracing our role as co-menders in a broken world,

Demonstrating humility, kindness and patience in all our interactions,

Encouraging and uplifting those around us, becoming beacons of your hope and love,

Actively participating in your mission to heal and restore,

And always relying on your Spirit to guide and empower us in these endeavours.

Lord Jesus, we depend on your strength and wisdom to be credible witnesses of your love, forming deep, lasting relationships that reflect your heart for community and mending.



3. Restoring

Lord Jesus,

Empower us as bearers of your holistic Gospel. As your followers, may our lives mirror your mission:

Proclaiming your good news to the poor and marginalised,

Bringing freedom and healing, in word and deed,

Seeking justice and restoration for the oppressed,

Combining our words of hope with acts of love,

Asking for guidance to see and meet the needs around us,

Seeing every encounter as an opportunity to serve and share your love,

Glorifying you through our dedication to your holistic mission,

Humbling ourselves to learn from those we serve,

Praying for wisdom and courage to act justly and love mercy,

Going out to be Your hands and feet in a broken world,

Seeking your strength in challenging circumstances,

And rejecting indifference and embracing active compassion.

The cross, the resurrection and the Gospel bring healing to the world. 

Lord Jesus, we rely on your Spirit and strength to make us wholehearted participants in your mission, bringing the entire Gospel to the whole world.



4. Responding

Watch or download video >>

Lord Jesus,

Guide us as we strive to be available and responsive to your call. As your willing servants, may our lives reflect your inviting grace:

Openly seeking and embracing your direction and purpose,

Lovingly engaging with our community and beyond,

Eagerly responding to your call with action and faith,

Transforming our lives to serve better and follow you,

Seeking forgiveness and growth through every step and misstep,

Viewing each day as an opportunity to live out your love,

Glorifying you in our willingness to say, “Here I am, send me.”,

Removing our prejudices and opening our hearts to your leading,

Praying for the courage and strength to follow wherever you guide,

Actively listening for your voice amidst the noise of life,

Going out and embodying your love and light to others,

Seeking your wisdom in every decision and interaction,

And rejecting passivity and embracing your active mission.

The cross, the resurrection and the Gospel empower us to respond to your call. 

Lord Jesus, we rely on your Spirit and grace to be ever-ready responders, making ourselves available for your transformative work in the world.



Thank you to Rev Dr Graham Joseph Hill for writing these prayers. Graham is a theologian and author.


Ongoing Prayer Resources

Join us in praying for our teams all year around. Subscribe to prayer resources:
  • News & Prayer: Fortnightly e-newsletter with up-to-date stories and prayer points about our ministry and teams.
  • Intercultural Team Members Newsletters: Ministry updates and prayer points directly from candidates and intercultural workers.
  • News Stories: Concise and encouraging ministry stories, regularly added and perfect for church bulletins.
Thank you for praying! Your prayers sustain our teams and open doors for the Gospel to the shared.

Youth Resources (secondary school ages)

The Mending! Youth Resource is a collection of four 30+ minute interactive activities connected to the four key Mending! themes. They are designed to be integrated into a fuller Youth session or as part of a Sunday service. 

To extend the sessions or explore the Mending! themes in your small groups, run the activity alongside questions, explorations and prayers found in the Mending! Pastor's and Leaders Guide.   

Theme 1: Renewing

This activity is about engaging youth in the idea that being a co-mender starts with being in step with God’s Spirit. In Galatians 5, we discover that as we are renewed daily by the Holy Spirit, we can learn to live, look and love more like Jesus.

This PDF can be printed double sided on an A4 page and folded in half to create an A5 booklet. 

Theme 2: Relating

This activity is about engaging youth in the idea that Jesus' example of mission is one of proximity and authentic relationships. This activity will give youth a small taste of what building relationships across cultures is like.

This PDF can be printed double sided on an A4 page and folded in half to create an A5 booklet. 


Theme 3: Restoring

This activity is about engaging youth in a service-oriented activity that embodies the concept of restoration as outlined in Luke 4:14–21, emphasising the holistic nature of the Gospel and its impact on the local community.

activity pdf: theme 3     
This PDF can be printed double sided on an A4 page and folded in half to create an A5 booklet. 


Theme 4: Responding

This activity is about engaging youth in the idea that they can make themselves available to respond to God’s call wherever they are. John 1:35-42 highlights the importance of being ready to act when God calls, we don’t have to do this alone, like Andrew, we can bring our community with us.

This PDF can be printed double sided on an A4 page and folded in half to create an A5 booklet. 

Videos from teens for teens
Libi lives in Thailand with her parents, Muana and Villy. In this video she shares how she lives as a co-mender, cultural etiquette in Thailand and what her favourite local dish is.


Jude, Dustin and Caitlyn live on the Silk Road with their parents David and Eliza. In this video, they share about their life and what they are learning.
Contact us for the password.


Children's Resources (primary school ages)

This Children's Resource is a four session curriculum for primary aged children. The focus of this resource is for kids to grow in their understanding of God's big world. 

Each session spotlights a different country and people group. With the final session bringing together the full series and connecting with the Mending! theme. 

Through playing a game that children play across the world, to learning phrases in a new language and finding out about daily life and culture of another country... our hope is that children in Australia will grow in their interest and understanding of the world and God's global mission. 

Session 1: Thailand!

Session 1 guide: Thailand!     
This PDF can be printed double sided on an A4 page and folded in half to create an A5 booklet. 


Session 2: Mozambique!

SESSION 2 GUIDE: mozambique!     
This PDF can be printed double sided on an A4 page and folded in half to create an A5 booklet. 


​Session 3: Cambodia!

SESSION 3 GUIDE: Cambodia!     
This PDF can be printed double sided on an A4 page and folded in half to create an A5 booklet. 

Session 4: Bringing it all together!

SESSION 4 GUIDE: bringing it All together!     
This PDF can be printed double sided on an A4 page and folded in half to create an A5 booklet.  
Videos from team kids for kids in Australia
Libi lives in Thailand with her parents, Muana and Villy. In this video she shares how she lives as a co-mender, cultural etiquette in Thailand and what her favourite local dish is.


Jude, Dustin and Caitlyn live on the Silk Road with their parents David and Eliza. In this video, they share about their life and what they are learning.
Contact us for the password.


Filmed Sermons

There are filming sermons for each of the four key Mending! themes. These can be used with your in-person or online service. They are 15-20 minutes each and include and exploration of the passage as well as global and local mission stories.

For each filmed sermon, there are two versions - one with the full scripture read at the start, and one without. You can choose the version that suits your service, depending on whether someone at your church will be reading out the passage.  

1. Renewing



2. Relating



3. Restoring


4. Responding



Missioning Podcast

Across the Mending! podcast series, host Susan Campbell (Baptist Mission Australia Associate Executive Director) talks to people around the world who are joining with God in mending a beautiful, broken world. Be inspired and encouraged!

Episode 1: Renewing

In this conversation, Luke and Belle share what it means for them to live in step with the Spirit and how God is growing the fruits of Spirit in them. They also share about their journey of discernment which has led them to step into a new ministry space, partnering with another organisation in Thailand and working alongside young Thai entrepreneurs.

Listen for an honest and encouraging conversation.

Listen: Episode 1     

Episode 2: Relating

Throughout the episode, Simon and Dave share what they are learning about building authentic relationships, loving people and sharing the good news in ways that makes sense. In particular, they draw from their experiences with the local staff at the Education Foundation - a ministry where God is at work!

Dave and Simon's humility, heart for God's Kingdom to grow and love for people shines through this conversation. Be encouraged! 



​Episode 3: Restoring

In this episode, Lisa and Jimmy share engaging stories and reflections on what sharing the whole Gospel means for them in their ministry contexts - one in a community on the other side of the world where our partner organisation responds to the great needs of the poor, and the other in a suburban Australian church who is seeking to reach out to those on the margins in their community.

This is an uplifting conversation with two guests who are passionate about joining with our mending God in His restorative vision for the world.


​Episode 4: Responding


 As Mal and Chris explore the theme of responding, they share the journey of invitation into mission and ministry that God has led them on over the past decades. They reflect on God's faithfulness and kindness, and the opportunities He has opened up to them as they have said "yes" to His leading. (But as they share in the conversation... it hasn't always been a "yes"!)

As you listen to these humble and passionate followers of Jesus, consider how God is inviting you to join with Him in mending a beautiful, broken world. How are you responding?


Promotional Material

For promotional material specifically for your church to support your fundraising target, please contact Teagan on or 1800 329 165


This poster can be printed A4 or A3. Please contact our team if you would like us to mail you a printed copy of the poster.


Powerpoint Template


QR Codes

These QR codes can be included in your church's bulletin or other printed material to help people easily access the Mending! webpages.


Bulletin / Website Text

Below is a piece of sample text that can be included in your church's bulletin, website or Facebook to promote the Mending! series with your congregation. There are three versions of different lengths, depending on how many words you are able to include.
  • 80 words: We are heading into our Mending! series. No matter where we are, we can join God in mending a beautiful, broken world. We don’t bring healing in our strength—we are co-menders with God in Jesus Christ, our Healer and Savior. Let’s unite in partnership with Baptist Mission Australia's intercultural teams and get excited about all that God is doing through His people in neighbourhoods near and far. We can only do it together! Explore all the resources:   
  • 50 words: We are heading into our Mending! theme. No matter where we are, we can join God in mending a beautiful, broken world. Let’s unite in partnership with Baptist Mission Australia's intercultural teams and get excited about all that God is doing through His people in neighbourhoods near and far. Explore all the resources: 
  • 40 words: We are heading into our Mending! theme. Let’s unite in partnership with Baptist Mission Australia's intercultural teams and get excited about all that God is doing through His people in neighbourhoods near and far. Explore more here: 



Want to talk to someone?
If you would like to chat about resources or how you and your church can engage with Baptist Mission Australia's May Mission Month, then contact your State Leader here or our Communications Manager, Teagan Dwyer-Riviere on