
Missioning is Baptist Mission Australia's podcast. Through the podcast we hear stories from diverse global and local mission contexts and grapple with big issues of mission, life and faith. 

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Latest Episode
Guests: Chris and Mal, Outback Australia
Theme: Relating

This is the fourth and final episode in our Mending! podcast series for May Mission Month 2024. In this episode, meet Mal and Chris who serve part-time with our Outback Australia team alongside their ministry as Pastors in a Baptist church in Darwin. As Mal and Chris explore the theme of responding, they share the journey of invitation into mission and ministry that God has led them on over the past decades.

Chris and Mal reflect on God's faithfulness and kindness, and the opportunities He has opened up to them as they have said "yes" to His leading. (But as they share in the conversation... it hasn't always been a "yes"!)

As you listen to these humble and passionate followers of Jesus, consider how God is inviting you to join with Him in mending a beautiful, broken world. How are you responding?

Listen: Mending! Ep 4     

Mending! Series

Across the Mending! podcast series, host Susan Campbell (Baptist Mission Australia Associate Executive Director) talks to people around the world who are joining with God in mending a beautiful, broken world. Be inspired and encouraged!

Episode 1: Renewing

In this conversation, Luke and Belle share what it means for them to live in step with the Spirit and how God is growing the fruits of Spirit in them. They also share about their journey of discernment which has led them to step into a new ministry space, partnering with another organisation in Thailand and working alongside young Thai entrepreneurs.

Listen for an honest and encouraging conversation.

Listen: Episode 1     

Episode 2: Relating

Throughout the episode, Simon and Dave share what they are learning about building authentic relationships, loving people and sharing the good news in ways that makes sense. In particular, they draw from their experiences with the local staff at the Education Foundation - a ministry where God is at work!

Dave and Simon's humility, heart for God's Kingdom to grow and love for people shines through this conversation. Be encouraged! 



​Episode 3: Restoring

In this episode, Lisa and Jimmy share engaging stories and reflections on what sharing the whole Gospel means for them in their ministry contexts - one in a community on the other side of the world where our partner organisation responds to the great needs of the poor, and the other in a suburban Australian church who is seeking to reach out to those on the margins in their community.

This is an uplifting conversation with two guests who are passionate about joining with our mending God in His restorative vision for the world.


​Episode 4: Responding


 As Mal and Chris explore the theme of responding, they share the journey of invitation into mission and ministry that God has led them on over the past decades. They reflect on God's faithfulness and kindness, and the opportunities He has opened up to them as they have said "yes" to His leading. (But as they share in the conversation... it hasn't always been a "yes"!)

As you listen to these humble and passionate followers of Jesus, consider how God is inviting you to join with Him in mending a beautiful, broken world. How are you responding?


Alongsiders Series

Across the Alongsiders series, host Nathan Reid (Baptist Mission Australia Mission Coach) talks to people in Australia and around the world who are stepping out and living as alongsiders.

You can listen now to the four episodes:


Episode 1: People of Prayer

Listen here >>
Guests: Daz and Bee, South East Asia

In this conversation, Bee and Daz share about their experience of prayer, how this has evolved since moving to South East Asia five years ago and how God is shaping them - day by day - to be people of prayer. They share vulnerably about challenges they have experienced and what God taught them about prayer during those seasons.

Episode 2: People of Peace

Listen here >>
Guests: Cam and Kath, Mozambique

Cam and Kath have been serving with our team in Mozambique among the Yawo people for ten years. And in conversation with Nathan Reid, they share stories of how God has gone before them and placed people of peace in their lives - opening Kingdom opportunities in communities. 

Episode 3: People of Love

Listen now >>

Guests: Steve Hales, Lismore Baptist Church & Petra, Silk Road Area

Petra and Steve serve in very different contexts, but they both live out of the conviction that to be an alongsider is to be someone who shares God's love in relevant, active and genuine ways.

Episode 4: People who Partner

Listen now >>
Suzanne, Silk Road Area & Marbuen Diaz, Baptist Churches of NSW & ACT

In this thought provoking episode, Nathan, Suzanne and Marbz explore a range of questions about partnership, power and working together. Suzanne is preparing to head to the Silk Road Area, joining our intercultural team. And Marbz works at the Baptist Association of Churches in NSW & ACT and has many years experience partnering with community development projects and other organisations. 

Introductory Episode: Being Alongsiders

In addition to the full Missioning series with Nathan, this episode gives an overview of the Alongsiders theme. It's an extended version of a four minute video we have produced as the key video for the Alongsiders series (you can watch that video here >>

In this episode, sit down with intercultural team members Rours, Reaksmey and Paul as they explore what it means to be an alongsider. Paul shares from his experiences serving in Central Asia and Australia. And Reaksmey and Rours share stories from their years in Brisbane, where they are living as they prepare to join the Baptist Mission Australia team in Cambodia.

Listen here >>
Watch here >>

Alongsiders Sermon Series

Scott Pilgrim, Baptist Mission Australia Executive Director, has recorded four sermons for the Alongsiders series. There are video and audio versions for each sermon.

Theme 1: People of prayer

[Alongsiders sermon 1] People of Prayer - Scott Pilgrim

Theme 2: People of peace

[Alongsiders Sermon 2] People of Peace - Scott Pilgrim


Theme 3: People of love

[Alongsiders sermon 3] People of love - Scott Pilgrim

Theme 4: People who Partner

[Alongsiders sermon 4] People who Partner - Scott Pilgrim

Everywhere to Everywhere Series

Baptist Mission Australia is enthusiastically embracing a future of mission where believers from everywhere are sent everywhere. But what does that mean? What are the unique, complex challenges that this model of mission brings up? And what the keys to thriving multicultural teams?

The 'Everywhere to Everywhere' podcast series is all about exploring these questions and more.

This global shift in intercultural mission doesn't come with simple answers! So will you come on the journey with us through this podcast series and beyond?
Episode One

Guests: Muana (Team Leader in Thailand) and Jodie MacCartney (Mission Mobiliser)
Together, Geoff, Muana and Jodie explore what polycentric and polyvocal mission is, and then flesh out the concepts with stories and reflections from their lived experience. It's a conversation full humility, faithfulness and questions without simple answers. Join us!

Listen here >>
Episode two

Guests: Simon and Widya (South East Asia team)

Simon and Widya share their unique journey to joining the Baptist Mission Australia team, as well as the ways in which serving in their home country will be both easier and harder for them compared to their Australian-born team mates.

They also reflect deeply on the unique challenges of multicultural teams and the key thing they believe is needed in order to harness the power of multicultural teams.

Listen here >>
Episode Three

Guests: Ngoc and Mark (Vietnam team)  

Mark and Ngoc are both originally from Vietnam, but Ngoc spent most of her life in the US and Mark spent six years in Australia as student… so they return to serve in Vietnam with a unique blend of cultural influences which they explore in the episode. 

They also reflect on how they have seen polycentric mission play out in Vietnam and the ongoing impact of past mission work in their community.

Listen here >>
Episode Four

Guests: Paul Rai and Dan Evenhuis (Citywide Baptist Church, Hobart)

Citywide Baptist Church has a thriving Nepali congregation that is fully integrated into the heart and leadership of the church community. And with this intercultural emergence of the past 10 years, the church’s local and global mission has grown richly.

Their journey is a excellent case study and example of how this ‘everywhere to everywhere’ model of mission can take shape at a local Australian church level. They also share some of the simple yet highly relevant ways they are sharing God's love through practically responding to the needs of the wider migrant and refugee community in Hobart.

Listen here >>

Listener Form

We are inspired by you!

Through Missioning we want to share stories of Australians living missionally in their local communities. So please share your stories! It might be that your church is actively reaching out, that you are witnessing a friend sharing God's love in their neighbourhood or that you building authentic relationships at work.

We also want to hear the questions that you have about faith, mission and life. We'll ask them to our guests. Use the form below to share your stories, feedback, ideas and questions. Thank you.

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Crossing the Street Series

We are excited to launch the 2022 season of Missioning with our May Mission Month series. This is a four episode series correlating to the four key themes of Crossing the Street. 

Across the series, join host Jodie MacCartney as she talks to people around the world who are stepping out and crossing the street with the hope of Jesus in the communities they live. Jodie also draws on the experiences and learning of her own decade in Thailand. She is currently serving in the Baptist Mission Australia team as a Mission Mobiliser.

The four episodes will be released weekly in April.
missioning podcast       
Episode 1: Sent like the Son
  • Guests: Caz (South East Asia) and Andrew Palmer (former NSW/ACT State Leader)
  • Passages: The Empty Tomb (John 20:1-23) and Jesus' Baptism (Mark 1:9-15)
  • Listen now!
Episode 2: Meeting People Where They Are
Episode 3: Modelling the heart of Jesus
  • Guests: Max and Ezzie (South East Asia)
  • Passage: Jesus Raises the Widow's Son (Luke 7:11-17)
  • Listen Now!
Episode 4: Being the Good News Together

Crossing the Street Sermon Series

Scott Pilgrim, Baptist Mission Australia Executive Director, has recorded four sermons for the Crossing the Street series.
1. Crossing the Street... Sent Like the Son
In this first sermon, Scott explores the story of Jesus' baptism in Mark 1:9-15 and his appearance to the disciples after His resurrection in John 20:1-23. He sends them out with the Holy Spirit to cross the street in His name, just as He send us.
2. Crossing the Street... Meeting People Where they are
In this second sermon, Scott draws from the rich story of Jesus meeting the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4:1-38. As followers of Jesus, there is much we can learn from this transformation encounter as we seek to step out and meet people where they are.
Crossing the Street... Modelling the Heart of Jesus
In this third sermon Scott reflects on the story of Jesus raising the widow's son from the dead in Luke 7: 11-17. In the midst of two crowds - one celebrating and one grieving - where is Jesus? Right in the middle. We model the heart of Jesus when we see, feel and act with compassion, love and justice.
4. Crossing the Street... Being the Good News Together
In this fourth and final sermon for the May Mission Month series, Scott explores the story of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37 through the lens of partnership. We can only do it together!

My 2021 [Scott Pilgrim & Marcus Wong]

It's the time of year where we start to reflect on the highs, lows and lessons of the past 12 months. And it's no different for Missioning! For our special season finale episode, Sulari, Scott and Marcus take the chance to share five pivotal moments from their 2021.

Why not join them in reflecting on your year? The five sections are:
  1. Top life-giving moment of 2021
  2. Most surprising moment of 2021
  3. Biggest challenge of 2021
  4. Best decision of 2021
  5. Favourite story from Global Interaction's ministry in 2021

This is an engaging and full conversation. Enjoy laughing and learning with Scott, Sulari and Marcus.

Watch the full conversation: https://vimeo.com/650955790

Scott Pilgrim is Global Interaction's Executive Director, Marcus Wong is a mission-minded young adult and filmmaker and Sulari Nielsen is our Missioning host.

What We've Learnt [Luke and Rachel, Cambodia]


Guests: Rachel and Luke, Intercultural Workers in Cambodia

What has God been teaching you over the past season? In this episode, Cambodia team members Luke and Rachel share the top seven things they learnt in their first three years as intercultural workers. It's an engaging conversation full of stories, laughs and insights about God, mission and life.

And what's amazing is that so many of things they are learning in Cambodia are just as relevant in an Australian mission context. Be encouraged by this episode as you journey with people in your local neighbourhood.

Where You Lead [Ryan, South Asia]


Guest: Ryan, South Asia Team Leader

10 years ago, Ryan visited the team in South Asia on a Global Xposure trip. This was a pivotal experience that prompted him to ask God if this is where he would be for the next season of his life. A decade later, Ryan and his wife Suzie have joined the Global Interaction South Asia team.

In this episode, Ryan shares about God's leading in his life, humility, the life-changing impact of our partner NGO in South Asia and the wrong question to ask about our involvement in God's mission. 

Ryan has been a physio, Pastor, Global Interaction's VIC/TAS State Leader and is now the Team Leader of our South Asia team. He is also a passionate football fan and history buff! 

One Question, Three People [Thematic Episode 2]

Thematic Episode 2
The Question:
How have you overcome doubt, disappointment and discouragement?
The People: Ryan (South Asia), Mel (Silk Road Area) and Mike (South East Asia)

There are a few things in life that are inevitable, and one of them is that we will all experience challenges… but that doesn’t make them any easier to live through!

So how do we overcome doubt, disappointment and discouragement? That’s the very question we asked three different people for our second thematic episode of Missioning. Ryan, Mel and Mike share candidly from their personal experience of discouragement and doubt, as well as how they have come out of that space. We pray this episode encourages you in your faith as you hear the stories of others. 

All About Prayer [Carolyn and Dema, Thailand]

Guests: Dema and Carolyn, Intercultural Workers in Thailand

This episode is all about prayer, and so are our guests Dema and Carolyn! Dema and Carolyn join Sulari from Thailand where they have been serving with the Global Interaction team for the past 11 years. In this conversation, Carolyn and Dema share the story of Pam, an Ethnic Thai friend who is taking steps towards Jesus... something they and their partnership team have been praying for.

Dema and Carolyn also share about their personal prayer practices and how they hear from God. These two faithful followers of Jesus will encourage you in your prayer life!

This special prayer episode is one of the resources of Just Prayer. Just Prayer is a weekend of focused prayer for the world and Global Interaction's teams, 12 - 14 November. Explore Just Prayer >>

Missioning Ep 28: All About Prayer [Carolyn and Dema, Thailand]

Going [Mel, Silk Road Area]

Guest: Mel, candidate preparing to serve in the Silk Road Area

What does it mean to go? Can we 'go' while staying right where we are? Our guest for this episode of Missioning is Mel, an amazing young woman who is preparing to join the team in the Silk Road Area. After a short-term trip to visit the team, Mel felt the Spirit's promptings to explore intercultural mission for herself.

In this conversation, she talks with Sulari about the human characteristics of Jesus, life as a police officer and the power of prayer.

Kingdom People | Part 2 [Jodie and Chris MacCartney]


Guests: Chris and Jodie MacCartney, Recruitment Specialists at Global Interaction

This is part two of the rich conversation Chris and Jodie MacCartney had with Sulari. And it's a true part two... so if you haven't listened to part one then please head back to episode 25 to hear the start of the conversation!

In this episode, Chris and Jodie share more stories from their time in Thailand and explore what their new role at Global Interaction is all about. Enjoy!

Kingdom People | Part 1 [Jodie and Chris MacCartney]


Guests: Chris and Jodie MacCartney, Recruitment Specialists at Global Interaction

Chris and Jodie are Kingdom people! They embody Kingdom values in the way they live their life, love people and serve God. We're excited to share part 1 of the very special conversation Jodie and Chris had with Sulari for this episode of Missioning. 

Chris and Jodie share about their 14 years in Thailand where they served with UNOH and Global Mission Partners among an impoverished neighbourhood in Bangkok. Now back in Australia, they have joined the Global Interaction team as Recruitment Specialists and are excited to journey with people passionate about partnering with God in His Kingdom work.

This is a dynamic and rich conversation that will inspire and challenge you.

Day One [Mike, South East Asia]

Guest: Mike, Intercutural Worker in South East Asia

Imagine you have packed up your belongings, boarded a plane and arrived in another country to become a long-term intercultural worker. It's day one and you are in hotel quarantine. What's going on in your mind?

For this episode of Missioning, that's exactly where we meet Mike! Mike has just arrived in South East Asia to serve with the team. In his candid conversation with Sulari, Mike shares what it actually means to go... and why there is a need for people to go in the first place! He also shares what he's excited about as he embarks on this adventure and answers some tricky listener questions. 

One Question, Three People [Thematic Episode 1]


Introducing Thematic Episodes! 
One Question:
What would you tell yourself at the start of your mission journey?
Three People: Milard [Lebanon], Lisa [South Asia] and Mike [South East Asia]

This episode is the first in our series of 'Thematic Episodes' in which we ask the same question to three different people. These shorter Missioning episodes will be interspersed with our regular longer-form interviews.

In this episode, we hear from Milard, Lisa and Mike. Their intercultural experience ranges from literally just arriving on location to 20 years of service! But they've each got something unique to share. If you want to dive in deeper, you can hear more of Milard's story in episode 21 of the podcast, Lisa's in episode 22 and Mike's in episode 24. 

What questions should we ask future guests? >> 

Word and Deed [Lisa, South Asia]


What does God's Word say about remembering the poor? And what does this mean for our daily lives?

Guest: Lisa, CEO of Global Interaction's partner NGO in South Asia

In this episode, Lisa shares the impact that ou partner NGO is having among the poorest of the poor in South Asia and the importance of sharing God's love through both word and deed. She also reflects on how her time as an intercultural worker in Cambodia continues to shape the way she lives her life. Lisa is a deep thinker with a love for God's Word, listen to be inspired and challenged.  

Starting the Conversation [Milard, Lebanon]


Key Themes: Overcoming barriers, evangelism and prayer 

Guest: Milard, Intercultural Worker in Lebanon

As followers of Jesus we know that we should be sharing our faith with those around us, but sometimes it hard to know how to start. What if I don't know what to say? What if they reject me? If that's where you are at, then this episode with Milard with embolden and inspire you! 

Joyful Giving [Tim Collison]


Key Themes: Giving cheerfully, Biblical foundations of fundraising and prayer

Guest: Tim Collison, Supporter Engagement Manager

Money is hard to talk about! But it is important to talk about. Our relationship with money and giving is all part of how we participate in God's mission. In this episode, Sulari chats with Tim Collison who has recently joined the Global Interaction team as our Supporter Engagement Manager. This conversation explores fundraising in the Bible, giving cheerfully and the power of prayer as we partner with God's work around the world. Tim also shares from his experiences as a missionary kid and how he is actively living out his faith in Australia.

Episode Resources: 

God's Timing [Craig and Kim, Cambodia]


Guest: Craig and Kim, Intercultural Workers in Cambodia

Story: Craig and Kim headed to Australia for 6 weeks... 12 months ago! We praise God that they have now safely returned to their home in Cambodia. But before they got on the plane, Sulari took the chance to chat with them about Khmer culture, participating in God's mission and learning to take a back seat. It's a rich conversation full of laughs and insight for all contexts.

Episode Resources:

Vibrant Communities 4: Partnering Together [Shannon, Outback Australia]


Theme: Partnering Together

Guest: Shannon Intercultural Worker in Outback Australia

Story: This is the fourth and final episode in our 2021 May Mission Month. Shannon is part of Global Interaction's Outback Australia team and in this episode, shares about the encouragement of partnership. We truly can only do it together. Shannon also chats about parenting, finding rest and partnering with the First Nations believers.

Episode Resources:

Vibrant Communities 3:  Humbly Contextualising the Good News [Dave, South East Asia]


Theme: Humbly Contextualising the Good News

Guest: Dave, Intercultural Worker in South East Asia

Story: This is the third episode in our 2021 May Mission Month series. Dave, Team Leader of our South East Asia team, shares exciting stories of how God is using the team's Education Foundation to bring people into the Kingdom. He also shares a wonderful framework for living missionally in any context. 

Explore May Mission Month

Vibrant Communities 2: Sharing God's Love [Cathie, Cambodia]


Theme: Sharing God's Love

Guest: Cathie, Intercultural Worker in Cambodia

Story: This is the second episode in our 2021 May Mission Month series. Cathie has been living and serving as an Intercultural Worker in Cambodia for just over a year. She and Andy are in the early days of their Khmer language learning. In this episode Cathie explores how despite their currently limited Khmer communication skills, they are finding ways to share God's love with their neighbours and friends.

Episode Resources: 


Vibrant Communities 1: Vibrant Faith Communities [Melanie, Malawi]


Theme: Vibrant communities following Jesus in their own distinctive ways

Guest: Melanie, Intercultural Worker in Malawi

Story: In this first episode of our 2021 May Mission Month series, Melanie shares about the sisterhood of Yawo women that she has been journeying, growing and learning alongside for the past decade. Listen and be encouraged in your own faith and walk with God.


Kingdom Gardening [Geoff Maddock]


Key Themes: Loving your neighbour, humility and creation care

Guest: Geoff Maddock, Global Interaction VIC/TAS State Leader

Story: Geoff knows the power of plants! In Lexington, Kentucky (US), he witnessed the way community gardens bring people together, break down barriers, demonstrate Kingdom truths and open opportunities to share God's love. In this episode, Geoff shares stories and reflects on what he's learnt over the past decades of neighbourhood mission. 

Foundations [R, Central Asia]


Key Themes: Foundational principles, authentic relationship and life long learning

Guest: R, Intercultural Worker preparing to return to Central Asia

Story: What principles underpin the way you do mission? In this episode, R explores the values that inform the way he builds relationships and shares Jesus.


Missional Living [Sulari Nielsen]


Key Themes: Neighbourhood mission, listening to God and next generation engagement

Guest: Sulari Nielsen, Global Interaction's Next Generation Specialist

Story: Jumping across decades and continents, Sulari steps back from her regular role as Missioning host to share her journey of mission. 


Side by Side [Scott, Mozambique]


Key Themes: Long-term, prayer and authentic relationships

Guest: Scott, Intercultural Worker among the Yawo of Mozambique

Story: Scott and Bek have been serving with Global Interaction in Mozambique for eight years. In this episode, Scott shares the journey that he, Bek and team have been on with their friend Mussa and his family. Listen for a conversation full of hope, God at work and laughter.

Episode Resources:

Sowing and Reaping [Ben, Silk Road Area]


Key Themes: Long-term, authentic relationships and teamwork

Guest: Ben, Intercultural Worker in the Silk Road Area

Story: Ben shares the story of Mrs K, a local friend who has been connected with the Global Interaction team for many years. Over that time, team members have faithfully sown into her life, building trust and sharing the Good News. We praise God that Mrs K has now taken significant steps towards Jesus!

Episode Resources:

The Power of Prayer [Liz, Thailand]


Key Themes: Prayer, trusting God and following His leading

Guest: Liz, Intercultural Worker in Thailand

Story: Liz shares an inspiring story of God at work in the life of her friend Bae. Prayer underpins Bae's journey of coming to faith in Jesus. Listen to be encouraged that your prayers for Global Interaction's ministry make an eternal difference.

Episode Resources:

Exploring Contextualisation [Cat Lacey]


Key Themes: Contextualisation, culture and local mission

Guest: Cat Lacey, mission-minded young adult

Story: Cat returned from a few years in Thailand with more questions than answers. In conversation with Sulari, Cat shares her grapplings around contextualisation and what this means for mission everywhere.

Episode Resources:

Life in Community [Deb, Cambodia]


Key Themes: Journeying with people, cultural immersion and depending on God

Guest: Deb, Intercultural Worker in Cambodia

Story: Deb shares about life and ministry among her Khmer neighbours. God is opening opportunities for connection, cultural understanding and faith sharing. Listen to be encouraged that God is at work... in Cambodia and in your local community. We just have to partner with Him!

Episode Resources:

Good Neighbours [Scott Pilgrim]

Key Themes: Being a good neighbour, mission in our own backyard and the injustice of the least-reached

Guest: Scott Pilgrim, Global Interaction Executive Director

Story: Scott shares stories and missional lessons he's learnt as a pastor, Bible teacher and leader. Listen to be encouraged of God's love for the world and how you can be a partner with His mission wherever you are.

Episode Resources:

Building Authentic Relationships [Pete, Central Asia]


Key Themes: Building relationships, listening well and contextualisation

Guest: Pete, Intercultural Worker in Central Asia

Story: Pete has been serving in Central Asia for a few years and is building a strong relationship with Mike, a local H man. God's hand is evident all through Pete's story. Listen to be encouraged of God's activity around the world and leave with practical ways to engage with your local community.

Episode Resources:

In Step with God's Mission [Kate, South East Asia]

Theme: In Step with God’s Mission
Guests: Kate, preparing to serve in South East Asia and Alice, student discerning God’s leading

Story: God is continually inviting us to partner with Him in His mission and Katrina and Alice share their stories of call, discernment and partnering with God to explore this.

Episode Resources:

This is episode four in a four episode series exploring the key themes of our short film, In Step.

In Step with Others [Villy, Thailand]


Theme: In Step with Others

Guest: Villy, Intercultural Worker in Thailand

Story: Villy has nearly 20 years of stories from Thailand but manages to narrow it down to one story. Her and her nusband Muana’s genuine care and love for their neighbours opened opportunities for conversations about Jesus that otherwise wouldn’t have happened (and that’s just the start!).

Episode Resources:

This is episode three in a four episode series exploring the key themes of our short film, In Step.

In Step with Jesus [Ben, Mozambique]


Theme: In Step with Jesus

Guest: Ben, Intercultural Worker in Mozambique

Story: Ben shares the stories of the Bible story groups he regularly meets with. These Yawo men are all at different stages of their walk with Jesus, but they have one thing in common... they all want to know more!

Episode Resources:

This is episode four in a four episode series exploring the key themes of our short film, In Step.

Faith not Religion is Central [Christoph Ziegenhardt]


Theme: Faith not Religion is Central

Guest: Christoph Ziegenhardt, In Step filmmaker

Story: Christoph shares about the experience of creating the film, being in Malawi and his personal reflections on Babba W, Babba T and Mamma M’s stories (the three believers featured in the film).

Episode Resources:

This is episode four in a four episode series exploring the key themes of our short film, In Step.