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Ministry Story - One year in!

Suzanne in the Silk Road Area writes, "Today I celebrate exactly one year since I arrived in the Silk Road! How much can change in twelve months?
Well, up until recently, popping over to the shops to pick up some yoghurt was no small feat! Door locks are different here, traffic travels in the opposite direction and signs aren’t intuitive for me. I have to remember which roads are dug up, to leave my bags in a locker... READ MORE >>

Prayer and Praise Points

Thurs 27 June - Wed 10 July

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11 T Malawi Following flooding and necessary relocations, Tim, Melanie and the team are celebrating that the CC Cafe is up and running again in a new location. This cafe is an income generating initiative of the local believers, and helps support the running of the village ministries. Pray for God to be at work through the cafe. 

12 F Malawi Melanie writes, “Pray for the faith leaders who are teaching in the villages - Baba W, Baba M, Baba L, Baba F, Mama E and Mama M. They are teaching God’s word independently of our team.” Pray for many to hear and believe.

13 S Malawi Pray for the faith leaders involved in the biblical training that David helps deliver. Pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to grow them in faith and in leadership, and lift up David as he navigates cultural differences in walking with these leaders.

14 S South East Asia Pray for God’s protection for local believers. Pray for their witness to spark interest in their family and friends to find out who Jesus is.

15 M South East Asia Daz and Bee have been running the new cafe for a few months, and are encouraged with the response from the local community. Pray that they will be attentive to the Spirit’s leading as they  build relationships with customers and local staff.

16 T South East Asia Kate writes, “Pray for our  team. Pray that each conversation, action, opportunity to listen and prayer will contribute to how God is working in the hearts of our friends here in South East Asia”

17 W Papua New Guinea Give thanks for Nathan’s encouraging time with Baptist leaders and Bible college students in PNG. Nathan shares, “God’s people here are resilient and determined to serve Him faithfully. God is indeed at work.” 

18 T Papua New Guinea Pray for pastors, leaders and Bible college students as they encounter the challenges of political instability, tribal fighting, corruption, national debt, limited employment and increased cost of living, all which make life and ministry more difficult. Give thanks for the ways God’s Spirit it at work in the midst of difficulty.

19 F Silk Road Area As Suzanne marks one year in the Silk Road Area, she can see how far her K relationships, language competencies and cultural understanding have come! Praise God for this and pray for more opportunities to share deeply with her K friends.

20 S Silk Road Area Petra and Ben are currently in Australia for a short Off-Location time. Pray for them as they share stories and updates with partnering churches. Pray that God will be preparing them for their coming years of ministry, and give thanks that He goes before them.

21 S Silk Road Area Pray for all the relationships our team is building in the K community. Pray for God’s Spirit to be growing Gospel curiosity in the hearts of their K friends. Pray that our team will be ready to share when the opportunities arises.

22 M Australia Pray for Daniel as he prepares for a discipleship training event in August. Pray for the participants and the First Nations pastors who will facilitate this training.     

23 T Australia Pray for Tash as she shares her story with church communities, inviting them to partner with her ministry among Muslim women in Sydney.

24 W Australia As the nations come to us, pray for the Spirit’s guidance as our team discerns new opportunities for intercultural mission in Australia.