Queensland state leader Bob Rogers grew up in a home where his parents hosted a monthly prayer meeting for international mission. His family and a few friends scoured prayer letters and prayed for requests from intercultural team members. They also hosted returned team members who shared how God had responded.

Bob noticed there were could be more dedicated opportunities for partners of Baptist Mission Australia to get together to pray and encourage one another. He thought, ‘Why not encourage people to open their homes to others who also wish to pray for Baptist Mission Australia’s ministries?’

Bob contacted some supporters and invited them begin the initiative. The concept is simple - to have a cup of tea and then pray. The Baptist Mission Australia team collates and supplies prayer needs to the hosts. So far five Prayer Rooms have commenced between the Gold and Sunshine Coasts, all gathering during the first week of the month.

Bob is looking for more willing hosts and committed pray-ers. Just imagine how powerful this will be, both for the pray-ers, the intercultural team members and the many people around the world who are yet to hear to good news of Jesus in ways they can understand!

Click here to find a PrayerRoom near you.

For more information please contact the Queensland team on 1800 329 165 or 0402 852 995 (Bob's mobile).