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This is the key video for the Mending! series. It has been created as a starting point for churches and small groups to explore the Mending! theme and engage with the full series. Throughout the video, we get a big picture understanding of how God is at work - restoring and renewing - as well as tangible examples of how people around the world are joining with Him as co-menders of a beautiful, broken world. 

Explore the full suite of Mending! resources >>


Video Script


I love that word.

It speaks of something being restored to how it should be – and of someone lovingly, carefully, doing the restoring.

I see my own brokenness. We all do. And in my street, neighbourhood and world, I encounter many different forms of brokenness every day.

And so did Jesus - as he embraced the messiness of our world, pursuing the Father’s mending vision.

Jesus put it this way:

“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, 
because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. 
He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners 
and recovery of sight for the blind, 
to set the oppressed free.”

Jesus looked broken people in the eye. His heart was moved. He saw people as they were, but as they could be.

He spoke and showed us all how things ought to be!

I love that. 

And the fact that despite my brokenness I am graciously invited to join Jesus in his beautiful work of mending and making all things new!

When we meet people where they are.

When we gets our hands dirty and model love in action.

When we proclaim the good news in ways that make sense

When we pursue justice, peace, reconciliation and creation care. 

We become co-menders. 

We become part of the change! 

Today I sat with a friend, yearning for hope, looking for answers, and I had the privilege of reading the Bible together in her heart language. We’re on a beautiful journey together. 

It has been such a joy to partner with my local neighbours and friends and to see their reforestation vision come to life, with water flowing into the village, and thousands of trees being planted. 

The number of displaced people from Myanmar continues to rise. Our people face so many huge challenges, but we don’t lose faith or hope. Through the support of Baptist Mission Australia, God is mending many lives and we continue to pray for peace and justice. 

Poverty is all around us in Malawi. It’s heartbreaking. But with your support we’re seeing hope rise in the lives of young Malawians as they learn new employment and income generating skills. It’s great to see people grow in dignity and even more, discover the love of Jesus. 

People with disabilities shouldn’t get pushed to the margins or ignored. But that’s a reality in several places Baptist Mission Australia team members serve. I am so thankful that I can pray and give and support team members as they model the Jesus way – as they transform attitudes and lives. 

Yes, across the street, the nation, the world - God is at work, renewing, restoring and mending. And we are graciously invited to join God as co-menders! 

Through your prayers, generosity and action you can join Baptist Mission Australia team members and partners in bringing love, hope and justice to our hurting world. 

Be part of the change today!

Sharing the Video

This video has been created to inspire, challenge and encourage all followers of Jesus to join with God and each other in mending a beautiful, broken world, partnering in God's restorative vision for people and planet.

Because no matter where we are, we can join God in mending a beautiful, broken world. We don’t bring healing in our strength—we are co-menders with God in Jesus Christ, our Healer and Saviour.

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Ideas for sharing:

  • Send it to your Pastor or mission representative 
  • Play it during a service and invite small groups to discuss together
  • Share it on your church's social media
  • Add it to the mission section of your church's website
  • Share it with your small group

Captions in Multiple Languages

We celebrate the rich cultural and linguistic diversity of Baptist congregations across Australia. As we seek to make our key videos accessible to more supporters and churches, we have added captions in various languages to the key Mending! video. 

If you are in a position to translate the video into another language, please get in touch with our team and we can work together to add captions from your translation. 

We currently have captions for Mending! in the following languages: 







Thank you to everyone who has made this video possible:
Scott, Natalisa, Melanie, Peter, Villy, Moo Hei, Cam, Teagan, Phil, Caitlin and Geoff.

Extra special thanks to Baptist Financial Services Australia LTD (BFS) for sponsoring this video. 

Mending! has been produced by Thick Black Frames.