The history of Baptist Mission Australia dates back well over a century.  

In 1864, prior to our nation’s federation, individual Baptists began their faithful work in the Australian colonies. On 28 October 1882, Ellen Arnold and Marie Gilbert set sail from Adelaide for India. Today they are remembered as Australia’s very first Baptist missionaries.  
These early pioneers paved the way for Baptist Missionary Societies in other Australian colonies to send missionaries of their own in the years that followed. And the Australian Baptist Foreign Mission (ABFM) was formed in 1912.    
Up until WWII, the work of ABFM focussed on the region of Bengal. But after the horror and devastation of not one, but two world wars, Australian Baptists felt challenged to extend the reach of their overseas missions to other countries in the region. And to Papua New Guinea in particular. Work with Australia’s First Peoples also began. 
Over the years we have been known by a number of names (ABMS and Global Interaction), but the one thing that hasn’t changed is our passion to share the love of Jesus far and wide.  
Today, thanks to those who went before us, our ministry extends to Africa, Asia and The Pacific. Around 1,800 active faith communities are operating with a formal membership. That’s more than 150,000 believers… not to mention the wide range of medical, health and development initiatives that are now led by these national churches. What an incredible legacy. 
We give thanks for the steadfast obedience of His early followers. Great is His faithfulness!
“The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3: 22-23    
Thanks to the pioneering work of those who have gone before us, the work of Baptist Mission Australia now extends to 17 nations.

Ministry Locations
Where our teams live and serve in community
  • Malawi
  • Mozambique
  • Silk Road Area
  • South Asia
  • Thailand
  • Cambodia
  • Vietnam
  • South East Asia
  • Outback Australia
  • Urban & Regional Australia
Ministry Partnerships
Where our teams partner with local faith communities
  • Zimbabwe
  • Zambia
  • India
  • Bangladesh
  • Papua
  • Papua New Guinea
From Five Barley loaves
After years of researching, writing and editing, Baptist Mission Australia has published, From Five Barley Loaves: Australian Baptists in Global Mission 1864–2010, edited by Tony Cupit, Ros Gooden and Ken Manley.

The book is a comprehensive account of the pioneering global mission work of Australian Baptists.

To find out more or to order your copy head to our resources section.