2025 Ministry Launch

Help launch our ministry year from your Sunday service!

In 2025, we’re inviting Baptist churches across the country to share in our Ministry Launch during a February service. Join in the Launch by sharing a video and praying for Baptist Mission Australia teams, ministry partners, as well as your local mission. 

We invite you to join in our Launch on Sunday 23 February – or another Sunday in February that is suitable with your schedule.

Options to get involved
during a February service

10 minute spot
Utilise the following resources that we will provide:
  • A short Ministry Launch video
  • A brief team member video update
  • Prayer for teams and ministry partners across the world
5 minute spot
Utilise the following resources that we will provide:
  • A short Ministry Launch video
  • Prayer for teams and ministry partners across the world
Vision Sunday
Incorporate one of the above options into your own 'Vision Sunday' service in February as you launch your church’s ministry year and highlight your commitment to local and global mission.
Invite a speaker
Invite a Baptist Mission Australia speaker to share in a February service. They will lead the Launch section and highlight global and local mission stories and opportunities.

Video resources

In 2025... Ministry Launch video

Prayer for the world

Prayer resources

Prayer and praise points for Baptist Mission Australia’s people, partners and projects.

Prayer prompts and slides

A4 page with concise prayer and praise points. 

PPT presentation that can accompany the provided prayer prompts. 

We hope you can join us in our 2025 Ministry Launch as we look ahead to another year on mission and celebrate that we can only do it together! Please get in touch with our team if you have any questions about how your church can get involved in the Launch. Thank you!

My church is interested in the Launch

Let us know how we can help you and your church get involved. 

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To make a donation, ask a question, subscribe to a resource or share feedback, please contact our team via 1800 329 165 or info@baptistmissionaustralia.org.

Thank you!