We are peacemakers

Baptist Mission Australia is dedicated to the practice of peacemaking because it is inextricably linked with the Gospel.

Peacemaking is a crucial component of our mission work because peace belongs among those who embody the good news of Jesus. As Baptist Mission Australia serves in various contexts across Australia and throughout the world, peacemaking is integral to our Gospel-shaped personal and public witness.


Peacemaking is emphasised throughout the New Testament, particularly in Jesus’ teachings in the Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5-7) and Paul’s epistles, which speak of peace as a natural part of the Gospel (Acts 10:36; Ephesians 2:13-17; 6:15; 2 Corinthians 5:19-21; Romans 5:1-11; Colossians 1:19-20). The Prince of Peace (Isaiah 9:6) who blesses the peacemakers is our prime example in this regard.


Jesus’ peacemaking extended beyond believers, addressing social dimensions and fostering reconciliation and non-violence across different communities (Luke 10:5-6, Matthew 10:13). Jesus’ very incarnation is a peacemaking event to bring, among other things, an end to the hostility between humanity and God. To integrate peacemaking into missiology, we must ensure harmony between our message, mandates and methods. This means preaching the Gospel of peace, in peace. It means non-coercively working toward reconciliation while participating in the mission of God in a humble and peaceful way.


Wherever Baptist Mission Australia people, partners and projects are located we prioritise finding people of peace who can offer hospitality and invite us deeper into their contexts. Since the medium is the message, Christian unity must accompany the church’s peacemaking efforts and witness (John 17:21). We know that a divided church can’t effectively preach the unity Jesus champions. That’s why we’re passionate about practicing actual Christian unity as the backbone of our peacemaking efforts.

Engaging in peacemaking allows mission efforts to reflect Christ’s teachings, transforming conflicts into opportunities for spiritual growth and reconciliation. Peacemaking is not simply a missiological strategy or methodology, but a spiritual posture and act of discipleship, essential for authentic mission work across the street and around the world.


We recognise that peace looks different in different cultures. That’s why we’re committed to discovering and nurturing culturally appropriate expressions of peacemaking wherever we serve. It’s not about imposing our ideas; it’s about learning and cultivating locally-led peace practices that resonate deeply with the surrounding community. We do this by listening deeply, actively following biblical teachings, trusting in the leading of the Holy Spirit and studying the work of prominent Christian peacemakers.

As with all things missional this must be done contextually, working to discover culturally appropriate expressions of peacemaking in each place where Baptist Mission Australia team members and partners serve. This integration enables the transformative power of the Gospel to be displayed through peaceful relationships and flourishing faith communities.

And let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, to which indeed you were called in one body. And be thankful.


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