
Serving in South East Asia

Ally is a Baptist Mission Australia intercultural team member serving in South East Asia. She is of Chinese descent, was born and raised in Malaysia, before moving as an adult to Australia for education and work.


While in Australia, Ally developed her vocational skills in finance, computing and accounting.

Her journey began in 2014 when she visited the Baptist Mission Australia team in South East Asia as a volunteer. With some understanding of the local language, Ally was able to provide some basic computer software and accounting training to help the local people. After that trip, she decided to become a long-term intercultural worker in South East Asia.

Ally arrived in South East Asia in January 2022. She spends most of the week taking culture and language lessons with the local nurturers, learning to speak the local language including colloquial phrases and delving into the nuances of the language. With humility, she is learning about the local culture, norms and values.

Outside of the session times, she is passionate about building genuine friendships with her neighbours and nurturers, with the hope of sharing the good news of Jesus with them. She also enjoys spending time with God and reading the Word, studying the text in both English and the local language.

Ally shares: “I have had quite a number of opportunities to meet, pray and fellowship with local people who were once of the majority faith have become followers of Jesus. I am touched and thankful how God is already at work here. I am also touched by these local followers who are so keen to reach out to their family, friends and neighbours. It rings home a message that those who truly seek Him will find Him.”

“The Lord is compassionate and gracious, slow to anger, abounding in love.”

PSALM 103:8

Partner with Ally and share the good news of Jesus in South East Asia.

Your gifts will help fund her living and ministry costs. These include:

  • Culture and language learning: $1,000
  • Health: $1,000
  • Visas: $1,500

Please note:
Gifts to Ally are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Ministry projects in South East Asia

Learn about how God is using Ally and the team in South East Asia through these life transforming projects.

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