Thanks for holding on!
These are our heartfelt words to those supporting churches, individuals and groups who have willingly stepped up to support and partner with us in our calling to serve in Malawi. We shared our story and they believed in what God was doing, so much so that they promised to hold the ropes while we went over the edge. It reminds me of abseiling, those who go over the edge and those who promise to hold the ropes. There is trust involved and long-term reliance as we venture into the unknown.
Hanging over the edge as an intercultural team member brings vulnerability in all aspects of our lives. It is emotionally draining, physically taxing, spiritually exhausting and mentally challenging yet we go because of obedience and we do it because we know we are not doing it alone. There is a strength that comes from our vulnerability because the whole process is a miracle.
Sometimes I question why people would want to hold our ropes. Rope holding is difficult in itself, especially as life in Australia is so busy and demanding with many distractions and pressures. “Perhaps they will forget about us?” I wonder, only to get a message the next day from someone prompted to pray.
The whole arrangement has God’s fingerprints all over it. Since 2005 we have asked people to hold our ropes and as I look back over the ups and downs of our journey it brings tears to my eyes. They haven’t let go!
Some of them remind me of the anchor position in a tug of war game, those spiritually strongest who lock themselves in and won’t be moved.
This makes all the difference to the effectiveness of our ministry, to the movement of the Holy Spirit and the answer to our prayers. It gives me courage and boldness to head out into the village one more time and teach God’s Word.
I feel it when I am praying over someone in hospital close to death, when I am approached by people struggling to find food and when I am confronted by an evil spiritual presence. It renews my passion when I am tired and it reminds me that I am not alone; there is a great crowd of witnesses cheering me on.
I delight in the arrangement so much that I have become a rope holder myself. I want to be part of the blessing of sending. And when I hear stories of faith, I know that my obedience contributed to it.
One day when we are all celebrating eternity together, there will be so much joy in connecting those who came to faith and those who held the ropes. When we’re there remind me to introduce you to Rashid, Ishmael, Mama Fatima, Saidi, Twaibu, Che Amini, Issa, Habiba, Halima, Aisha, Hassain, Ikira, Ellard, Atewu, Hahimu, Junio, Ibrahim, Bilaya, Sifati, Esnatu… those Yawo who God chose to hear the Gospel from us who were sent by you. Thank you!