Vibrant Communities

Bible study
Use this Youth Resource as a launching pad for youth group discussions and activities. Each of the sessions can be used as part of the full Vibrant Communities series or as a standalone resource.

Leader’s guide
Print onto A4 paper and fold it in half to make an A5 booklet.
A big thanks to Simone Bunney of Heathmont Baptist Church, for writing this Youth Leader’s Guide.
Please fill out the form if you would like printed copies mailed to you.

How to use this resource
The Vibrant Communities Youth Resource is a two session series. The aim of these sessions is for youth to explore some of the complexities of intercultural mission and how they can be a part of God’s mission. Please use this material as a launching pad for you to shape for your context.
Through these sessions, youth will explore mission in the Bible and around the world today, as well as discover what it means for them and how they can be a part of it. This is explored through games, activities, Bible stories, discussions, videos and prayer.
Session overviews
This session focuses on culture and contextualisation. Our background, life experiences and the way we view the world impacts the way we approach the Gospel. This means that in order to effectively communicate the Good News with others, we need to first understand where they are coming from.
1 Corinthians 9:19-23
This session focusses on exploring what it is to be a witness of Jesus. In whatever setting we find ourselves, God calls us all to share His love. This session is designed to help youth engage with what sharing God’s love can look like in their own lives and how they can participate in God’s mission all over the world.
Matthew 28:18-20
Videos from youth for youth
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