Crossing the Street

Bible study


We’ve created this Youth Resource to be a launching pad for youth group discussions and activities. Each of the sessions can be used as part of the full Crossing the Street series or as a standalone resource.

Leader’s guide

Online version
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A big thanks to our former Next Generation Specialist, Rachel Stevens, for writing this Youth Resource.

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How to use the study guide

The Crossing the Street Youth Resource is a four session video series. As youth often participate in the congregational church service, this resource is designed to help them engage with the themes of the series through youth targeted reflections and activities. It has been created to sit alongside the full Crossing the Street series, however, it can be used as a standalone piece.

The videos created for each of the four sessions have ‘pause’ points throughout where the activities can be run. Refer to the leader’s guide for questions and instructions. Alternatively, the video script is outlined in this booklet for leaders to use in replacement of the videos.

The leader’s guide includes additional resources for each session. These videos and extra questions can be used to expand each session into a full Bible study. Depending on how you use the resource, each session can go from 5-60 minutes.

Sessions overview

Sent like the Son
Key idea

We are empowered by the Spirit and endorsed by the Father to be sent like the Son. Why? While we are not Jesus, we are sent out under the same authority and with the same spirit and purpose.

Meeting people where they are
Key idea

Just like Jesus humbled Himself to take on flesh and meet us where we are, we are called to do the same. Jesus didn’t demand that people be perfect, easy to reach or exactly like Him when He healed, spoke to, or ate with them. Instead, He met people where they were at, building bridges rather than fences. Out of these relationships Jesus offered restoration and salvation through both word and deed.


Modelling the heart of Jesus
Key idea

Following Jesus means living a life that reflects Him. As Colossians 1:15 states, “The Son is the image of the invisible God…”. To model the heart of Jesus is to model the very heart of God to all we encounter, and creation itself.


Heart into action
Being the good news together
Key idea

Together is a key word here! We are partners in God’s mission and can partner with each other through prayer, giving, going, encouraging and advocating. This theme is a call to action and response. We all have a role to play in God’s redemptive plan.


Better together
Better together (answers)
How are you crossing the street?

Videos from youth for youth


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