Crossing the Street

Bible study

Pastors and Leaders

Use the Pastor’s and Leader’s Guide as a launching pad for sermons and small group discussions.

Leader’s guide

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A big thanks to Scott Pilgrim, Baptist Mission Australia’s Executive Director, for writing this Pastor’s and Leader’s Guide.

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How to use this resource

The Pastor’s and Leader’s Guide has been developed as a launching pad for leaders to explore the key themes of the Crossing the Street series with churches and small groups.

Each theme has an introduction of the theme and scriptures, key takeaways, mission stories to use as illustrations, questions for small groups and a prayer. It can be used as a four week series or as standalone sessions.

Session overviews

This Pastor’s and Leader’s Guide is based on the ideas explored in Scott Pilgrim’s Crossing the Street sermon series. You can watch or listen to the relevant sermon at the top of each session below.

Sent like the Son

Jesus sends His disciples out with the Holy Spirit to cross the street in His name, just as He send us.


 John 20:1-23 (The Empty Tomb) and Mark 1:9-15 (Jesus’ Baptism)

Key points
  1. We are sent like the Son
  2. We are loved by the Father
  3. We are empowered by the Spirit
Meeting people where they are

As followers of Jesus who are seeking to step out and meet people where they are, there is much we can learn from Jesus and the transformative encounter He has with the woman at the well.


John 4:1-38 (The Samaritan Woman at the Well)

Key points
Meeting people where they are:
  1. Models the incarnation
  2. Is motivated by love
  3. Opens Gospel opportunities
Modelling the heart of Jesus

Exploring the story of the Good Samaritan through the lens of partnership highlights that we can only do it together!


Luke 7:11-17 (Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son)

Key points
Just like Jesus in the passage, we need to…
  1. SEE the need
  2. FEEL the experience of the other person
  3. ACT in loving response
Being the good news together

This is the fourth and final sermon from Scott Pilgrim in the Crossing the Street series. Scott explores the story of the good Samaritan in Luke 10:30-37 through the lens of partnership. We can only do it together!


Luke 10:30-37 (The Good Samaritan)

Key points
God calls us to…
  1.  Get our hands dirty
  2. Embody the good news
  3. Do it together!

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