
Bible study
We’ve created this Children’s Resource to be a launching pad for primary school aged group discussions and activities. Each of the sessions can be used as part of the full Alongsiders series or as a standalone resource.

Leader’s guide
Print onto A4 paper and fold it in half to make an A5 booklet.
A big thanks to Carol Cleasby of Thornleigh Community Baptist Church, for writing this children’s resource.
Please fill out the form if you would like printed copies mailed to you.

How to use this resource
The Alongsiders Children’s Resource is a four session series. The aim of this resource is for kids to learn from Jesus’ example of loving all people and to explore how we can all live as alongsiders. Please use this material as a launching pad for you to shape for your context.
Through the sessions, children will explore stories of Jesus in the Bible, as well as discover what it means for them and how they can be a part of God’s mission. This is explored through games, activities, Bible stories, discussion questions, videos and prayer.
Session overviews
Jesus shows us how to live as someone who loves God. It was important for Him to spend time with God and it is super important for us to do the same. Prayer is our way of communicating with God. Just like a great chat with a good friend brings us joy and peace, spending time with God also brings us joy and peace. It recharges us! It’s like plugging into a power source or putting in new batteries.
Print and cut out the door hanger. Colour it in and make it your own!
Mark 1:35-39

Door Hanger
Paul did not know God’s plans for Lydia, but he faithfully went where God asked him to go. Paul faithfully talked about Jesus and lived in a way that showed he loved Jesus, and through that the knowledge and love of Jesus spread and changed the world. God used Paul and many others to spread the message of Jesus across the world. God still speaks to us and uses us today.
Acts 16:11-15
Jesus shows that He loves the paralysed man by the pool as a whole person. It’s not enough to just heal him physically. Jesus cares about the man’s heart as well. He cares about what is happening on the inside. God wants us to love people through our words and our actions, just like Jesus. It’s not always easy, but the Holy Spirit is there to help us.
John 5:1-15

Paul and the Philippian church are working together. Even though the Philippian believers are not actually travelling with Paul, they are partners with him as he goes because of their gifts and prayers. It’s the same when we partner with intercultural team members (or missionaries) today. They can only go and tell people about Jesus when people and churches partner with them through giving, praying and encouraging.
Philippians 1:3-8


Team Photos
Videos from the guide
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