Baptist Mission Australia is partnering with Baptist World Aid in this appeal. 
You can make a gift via Baptist World Aid here >>

On May 24 in the early hours of the morning, heavy rains triggered a deadly landslide in Northern Papua New Guinea, burying unknown numbers of people under the rubble—estimates vary from close to 700 up to 2,000.  Search and rescue operations are still underway, and the country’s National Disaster Centre has declared this landslide one of the deadliest disasters in the country’s recent history. 

The landslide, which struck the Enga Province at around 3am local time, has also buried homes, farmland and vital infrastructure under up to eight metres of debris. Around 1,650 people have been displaced by the disaster, and the region’s sources of clean drinking water have become inaccessible.

Make a gift               

Australian Baptists have a long history of ministry in Papua New Guinea. In a cooperative effort, Baptist Mission Australia and Baptist World Aid are practically and prayerfully responding to this disaster. 

Your gift today can help families impacted by the landslide by providing emergency food rations in the immediate, while our Partners investigate the best ways to assist people in need.

Give via Baptist World Aid >>