“The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favour.” – Luke 4:18-19


Dear Friends, 

Across the world our team members and ministry partners are joining our restoring God in bringing the love and hope of Jesus to people experiencing physical, emotional and spiritual brokenness. From the Silk Road to southern Tasmania, from central Zambia to northern Thailand, and in so many other places, we see and celebrate God mending lives and local communities.

In South East Asia, Frank had lost hope. Frank’s wife had died and he was left with two young children to parent on his own. He was struggling emotionally and financially. Earning minimal income through casual work, Frank and his children 
ate only twice a day – usually just rice. A leader with Baptist Mission Australia’s local partner heard about Frank’s difficult situation. She contacted him and invited him to apply for a job as a caretaker at the team’s Education Foundation. 

Frank is now earning enough to provide nutritious food for his children and pay for their school needs. He now has medical insurance and a retirement fund. When Frank received his first pay he literally fell to the ground weeping and expressing gratitude over and over. 

Born into a Muslim family and community, Frank now participates in a weekly small group and is learning about the good news of Jesus in ways that make sense to him.

Colleagues recently surprised Frank with a birthday cake. It was the first time in his life anyone had ever celebrated his birthday. He broke into tears again! Frank’s life is being radically changed by our mending God!

This is only possible with your faithful and generous support as a co-mender. And so can I please encourage you to make a gift to our Mending appeal so we can see more people following Jesus. 

Please join me today in praying for Frank and all the other people our teams are journeying with. Pray for their families and for God’s Spirit to continue His transforming work in their lives. Please join me in supporting our wonderful team members, ministry partners and community changing projects across the globe. More than ever, in a desparate and hurting world, we need supporters standing with us through prayer and generous giving.

In recent months I have been on the Thai-Myanmar border, and in Vietnam, Zimbabwe and Zambia. I have seen first-hand what our mending God is doing through our people, partners and projects supported by Australian Baptists. You can have confidence that your gifts are an investment in Kingdom impact.

Around the world and across Australia there are so many people – just like Frank – desperately longing for change in their lives. Our prayers, generosity and action will enable more people to meet the only One who can make all things new; the only One who can truly mend brokenness. 

I invite you to be part of the change today!

Grace and peace,

Scott Pilgrim, Executive Director

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