Fundraising Target


(Not Tax Deductible)

Project Type

Bible & Resources|Nurturing Faith


Raised so far this year

Daniel - First Nations Discipleship TrainingProject Updates RSS


Project Code: AUsz402

Among First Nations communities here in Australia, there are active churches and pastors passionate about seeing their churches grow and thrive. However, limited discipleship training opportunities exist and those that do require in-person attendance in city centres, limiting the number of leaders able to attend. 

At the invitation of First Nations pastors and in a unique collaboration opportunity with two Indigenous Christian organisations, this project seeks to pilot grassroots discipleship training in regional communities. Over the next two years, until mid-2026, training sessions will be held for current and emerging First Nations Christian leaders, inviting them to participate in the training to then be able to run future training sessions within their churches and communities. It will culminate in a retreat for approximately 30 participants.

The project covers the cost of hall hire, transportation, catering and resources as well as the second year retreat to bring participants together.

Your support of this pilot project provides the resources to partner with Indigenous pastors and Christian leaders in developing healthy and multiplying Indigenous churches, led by Indigenous Christian leaders.

Gifts to this project are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE
    Team members involved in this project:
  • Daniel

Important Note

Each project item is a small part of a larger program of community transformation. The values listed are an estimate of how much each item costs within the broader program. If your selected project item is already fully funded when your gift arrives, we will allocate your gift to items that fulfill a similar purpose. All care is taken to ensure project and gift information on this website is accurate and up to date. However, project information may change without notice. If you wish to discuss your project choice, call the Project Coordinator 1800 329 165 or email