Support Muana and Villy

Muana and Villy's Story

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Muana and Villy and their daughters Yindii, Zoe and Libi are from Mizoram, India. Since 2001 they have been serving in northern Thailand. While Yindii and Zoe are undertaking university in Australia, Libi attends a local high school.

Muana and Villy serve in rural and urban communities in various ways. They train local leaders and organise faith gatherings for them, conduct Bible studies with two small faith groups and provide support to two small churches who don’t have pastors. 

Muana serves as Team Leader to the Thailand and Vietnam teams, providing guidance and oversight to the team’s life and ministry. Villy uses her skills and passions in beauty consultancy to build relationships with Ethnic Thai people. This gives her an avenue to care for people, providing counselling so they can make better choices in life. 

Villy and Muana share, “Serving and helping people in a holistic manner as much as we can brings contentment and a sense of achievement, but profound and sustained joy is what we experience when we can lead people to Christ for eternity.” 

Please pray for God to continue to grow Muana and Villy in all aspects of their lives 
and ministries. 

They are seconded by the Baptist Churches of Mizoram (North East India) to work with Baptist Mission Australia.

Donations to these intercultural team members are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE

Prayer Points

  • Pray that Muana and Villy will be able to continue to inspire and empower new believers to develop their own distinctive ways of following Jesus
  • Pray for the home fellowship groups that Muana and Villy support
  • Pray that the ethnic people of Thailand will come to understand the love of Jesus Christ in ways that are meaningful to them

Contribute to Muana and Villy's Projects

Team - Equipping and Empowering Leaders TMwh306

Target $15,000  (Not Tax Deductible)

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Muana & Villy - Children's Education TNva205

Target $10,000  (Not Tax Deductible)

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Team - Thai Ministry House TMwh601

Target $16,885  (Not Tax Deductible)

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Muana & Villy - Christmas Outreach TNva204

Target $2,000  (Not Tax Deductible)

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Muana & Villy - Youth Camp 2025 TNva502

Target $4,000  (Not Tax Deductible)

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