Fundraising Target


(Not Tax Deductible)

Project Type

Nurturing Faith


Raised so far this year

Recent Updates

29/6/24 - Thank you for your generous partnership with this project! This project is now fully supported. For any further gifts, we encourage to consider partnering Muana and Villy's other  projects: Thai Ministry House and Christmas Outreach.

Thank you again!
Muana & Villy - Youth Camp 2025Project Updates RSS


Project Code: TNva502

Children are our future and the future leaders of faith communities. This project invests in the spiritual growth of children in Thailand by providing the resources to run a three-day camp for 100+ children. These children will come together to hear the good news of Jesus and have a time of fun together.

Through Muana and Villy, this project partners with a Thai church that have worked with them for many years. The church runs the annual youth camp for a group of 20 small churches. With declining numbers of children attending church and budget constraints, the Phayao church pastor approached Muana and Villy for support. Their church members – the parents and grandparents of the youth want to invest in their children’s futures and in the future of the local church.

This camp time for community, Bible lessons, singing and games encourages 9-13 year olds and intentionally invests in sharing the good news of Jesus with the next generation. 

This project is planning for next year and is raising funds to cover camp costs for April 2025.

Your financial partnership provides the resources for a group of Thai churches to run a faith-based camp for 100+ children to encourage them in their faith journeys. 

Gifts to this project are NOT TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Important Note

Each project item is a small part of a larger program of community transformation. The values listed are an estimate of how much each item costs within the broader program. If your selected project item is already fully funded when your gift arrives, we will allocate your gift to items that fulfill a similar purpose. All care is taken to ensure project and gift information on this website is accurate and up to date. However, project information may change without notice. If you wish to discuss your project choice, call the Project Coordinator 1800 329 165 or email