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Mike's Story

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For the past three years Mike has been living and serving in South East Asia. He has been learning the local culture and language, which is enabling him to grow in his ability to engage with local people and participate in his community. He has leaned into the world of his local friends and become someone who they can understand without too much difficulty. 

In 2023 Mike began working as an English teacher at the team’s Education Foundation. This role allows him to help local people develop their English language skills. Some of Mike’s local friends also work at the language centre, which gives him the opportunity to live out Kingdom values alongside them.

Mike has developed a widening network of relationships with whom he can share the good news about Jesus in a way that resonates deeply. A few of these key relationships have already expressed a desire to have deeper conversations and He has shared with them about the love and hope of Jesus and His sacrifice for all people.

Mike hopes to continue to go deeper with his existing friendships but understands that this is a complex task that requires both boldness and wisdom. His heart is to see Jesus’ Kingdom grow on the islands of South East Asia.


Donations to this intercultural team member are TAX DEDUCTIBLE

Prayer Points

  • Hearts of B.I and S.I people to be inclined towards hearing and responding to the Gospel
  • Encouragement for Mike as he serves in South East Asia

Contribute to Mike's Projects

Team - Education Foundation: Stage 2 SEAwh601

Target $750,000  (Tax Deductible)

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Team - Creation Care: Waste Bank SEAwh705

Target $59,400  (Tax Deductible)

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Team - Teaching the Heart Language SEAwh106

Target $11,000  (Not Tax Deductible)

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