Support Arthur and Josie

Arthur and Josie's Story

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Arthur and Josie serve among the B people in South Asia. For many seasons they have strived to make Jesus known on farms and in villages. Understanding that God works through all things for the good of those who love Him (Romans 8:28), they trust in God and submit to His promises.

Arthur and Josie have six children. The three oldest children have left home to pursue their studies and careers, and the younger three live with Arthur and Josie in South Asia. Josie has a passion for teaching children, using art as a platform to interact with her local community.

Arthur has a background in agriculture and fisheries. He is passionate about empowering the rural poor towards sustainability. As a farmer, Arthur acknowledges that the cattle on a thousand hills are God’s (Psalm 50:10). It is this promise and power from God that carries their family to reach some of the poorest farmers in South Asia.

They have been challenged by God’s words in Romans 10:14-15. How will the people of South Asia call upon the one they have not believed? Your partnership is enabling Arthur and Josie to serve in South Asia and share God's love through word and deed. Thank you!

Donations to these intercultural team members are TAX DEDUCTIBLE

Prayer Points

  • Give thanks for Arthur and Josie's heart to serve God and share His love through word and deed.
  • Pray that through Arthur and Josie's work they will have a positive impact on people’s lives, and lead them to walk more closely with God.
  • Pray that the people of South Asia may come to know Jesus and His love for all people.

Contribute to Arthur and Josie's Projects

Team - Rural Income Generation SAsy707

Target $45,100  (Tax Deductible)

Details Contribute
Team - Local Team Building SAsy305

Target $33,000  (Tax Deductible)

Details Contribute