Fundraising Target


(Tax Deductible)

Project Type



Raised so far this year

Recent Updates

20/6/24 - Thank you for your generous partnership with this project! We give thanks that with your support, the 2024 target has been met. The 2025 budget is currently being reviewed. Any further gifts received this year will go towards 2025. Thank you!
Petra & Ben - Unlocking Abilities: Early Intervention TherapyProject Updates RSS


Project Code: KSbp402

We are born primed to learn. Babies are hardwired to interact with the outside world and develop in a way like no other across the lifespan. What happens in the first three years of life – both positive and negative – impacts the way we develop, learn and interact for the rest of our lives. This is true of both healthy infants and those that have experienced physical or emotional trauma. 
Life in the Silk Road Area with a disability is very difficult. People with disabilities and their families are shunned from their community socially; they cannot access many public spaces including shops, schools or workplaces; and the healthcare system struggles to support them effectively.

They suffer from pain, isolation, exclusion and a general lack of rights. The more significant the disability, the greater the suffering. However, if a person is able to receive effective therapy from an early age their abilities and long-term outcomes are substantially improved.
Specialists within this country have recently gained the expertise needed to identify children who are at risk of Cerebral Palsy at a very early age. Early identification of developmental delays opens the potential for early therapy. But the healthcare system there cannot currently support this and so they lose the potential for improved outcomes.

Members from the head of healthcare, neonatal, paediatric and neurology specialists, occupational therapists, rehabilitation clinics and healthcare professionals are crying out for help. They want to serve their community but do not know how.
This project will partner with health services to provide holistic care to identified families with the aim to:
  • Connect with and equip specialists who are identifying and referring infants that have or are at risk of development delay
  • Work alongside local therapists, increasing their capacity to accurately assess and provide therapy to infants
  • Provide an effective therapy and support system to the families themselves
The budget covers initial capital and resources to establish an early intervention clinic as well as training, therapy resources, registration expenses and enrichment packs to ensure families are not only supported at the clinic but also as a family at home.
Unlocking abilities through partnership and early intervention means hope. It means tangible better outcomes for children and families – not just in the short-medium term but long into the future! 
Gifts to this project are TAX DEDUCTIBLE.

Important Note

Each project item is a small part of a larger program of community transformation. The values listed are an estimate of how much each item costs within the broader program. If your selected project item is already fully funded when your gift arrives, we will allocate your gift to items that fulfill a similar purpose. All care is taken to ensure project and gift information on this website is accurate and up to date. However, project information may change without notice. If you wish to discuss your project choice, call the Project Coordinator 1800 329 165 or email