Wednesday 02 Mar
Mike paints a picture his early days in South East Asia.
“Picture yourself walking through my front gate in South East Asia, along a moss-lined concrete driveway, up three tiled stairs and then looking through a window into my home.
What do you see?
During this past month you would have seen people. Many different people. Neighbours, friends and staff from the Education Foundation. You would have seen an electrician, a painter and two guys installing mozzie screens. You might have heard a bunch of local kids shouting out your name as they ran down the street. And if you turned up on the right day you would have been warmly welcomed into a house-warming party attended by almost 60 people!
This past month was FULL OF PEOPLE.
I am sure that this plenitude of people is an answer to the prayers of my partnership team following a prayer request last month. In it, I asked people to pray that my ability to participate in my host world would increase and that I would have the opportunity to be an accepted member within an already established group of local people, a community of practice.
Well, my brain is bursting with new words! And even though I am probably known as the guy who asks people to, "please repeat that"... I am participating nonetheless! Thank you for your partnership in my language and culture learning and in my search for a community of practice.
Please continue to lift up the people in this community. Ask that they would encounter the One who gives true life. Pray that they would become aware of their need for Him. And pray that I would have boldness and wisdom as I seek to share this life-giving message with the friends I make."
- Mike, Intercultural Worker in South East Asia
Hear more of Mike's story in episode 24 of Missioning podcast >>
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