Team Prayer - Outback Australia

Wednesday 09 Sep

The Global Interaction team serving in Outback Australia share their prayer.

Vivian is the Team Leader of the Global Interaction team in Outback Australia. Here he shares the prayer on the team's heart.
"Global Interaction has been seeking to share Christ with remote indigenous communities across the Northern Territory since the 1950’s. Currently, there are six communities in which Global Interaction ministers, alongside existing Indigenous Baptist fellowships.

At present, the only on-field workers are Mat and Shannon. With their four children they are based in Yuendumu, three hours north-west of Alice Springs. Other communities to the north (such as Kalkarindji) are up to 700 kms distant, predominantly by unsealed roads. A crying need expressed by believers in these fellowships is for leadership development and evangelism, so that these remote faith communities can reach out to their own people, in their own distinctive, culturally appropriate ways, and partner with other Baptist churches across SA and NT in reaching all Australians.

This training work is difficult, virtually impossible, on a consistent, regular basis, with Mat and Shannon being the only workers. The Global Interaction Outback Team is praying that the Lord will raise up new, additional workers for this part of the harvest.

Would you pray with us as we ask that God would stir the hearts and minds of individuals to hear a call to outback Australia, and our own first nations peoples?"
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