Wednesday 13 Apr
Scott shares an Easter reflection.
As we approach Easter, I like to ask myself the question: “
How will my life be different as a result of this Easter season?”.
I ask this question because the story of Easter and Christmas can become so familiar to us that we can become closed to new opportunities to engage with God’s redemptive vision for our lives and world. I can fail to take the time, to make the time, to catch my breath and encounter Jesus afresh in my life.
As I draw near to this sacred time, I have found myself considering Jesus’ baptism [Mark 1:9-15] and two key drivers that allow Jesus to move towards the cross with courage and resolve.
As Jesus is baptised we hear the Father’s declaration of love for His Son. The Abba Father expresses His deep love for the Son. And then we read of the Spirit descending on Jesus. The Son is empowered for all that lay ahead.
In this important passage that describes what we could see as the humble coronation of our Servant King, we see Jesus’ identity securely established in the Father’s love. And we see the integral link of the Spirit’s work with Jesus’ earthly ministry.
More than 2,000 years on, as we approach Easter for another year, we are reminded that as followers of Jesus we are sent like the Son. In John 20:21 we read: “As the Father has sent me, so I am sending you.”
Yes, we are sent each day into our communities – local and global – to embody the good news of Jesus by word and deed. Sent to cross streets, to come alongside, to break down barriers, to build bridges, to form relationships and to partner in God’s mission.
And like Jesus, we step out knowing that we are loved by God and never bereft as the Spirit of God goes with us.
We live in a world that calls us in many different directions, a world that seduces us with competing messages of what success looks like, of how to derive our sense of worth. We hear so many voices that impact our identity. We can be easily labelled.
But as we read in the pages of the New Testament – we are loved by our Creator God. He lavishes His generous, gracious love upon us.
As I approach Easter 2022 I am reminding myself that my identity is secure when it is rooted in who I am as a child of God, before anything else.
And like Jesus, as I step out in faith, in a beautiful but broken world, I do so as a person of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit seeks my active co-operation as He is at work in my life; as He seek to cultivate Christ-likeness in me. As He equips me for ministry. As He leads, guides and empowers as I embrace God’s gracious invitation to mission.
This Easter week do you need to pause, to stop, to catch your breath and be reminded again of the amazing love of God. Do we need to be captivated afresh this Easter by God’s gracious, generous love? Do we need to embrace anew our identity as loved children of God?
And we’re reminded this weekend of the empty tomb; of the risen Christ! We hear His words to the first disciples to “wait for the Spirit of God”. And they did, and suddenly they were transformed people, ready for mission, empowered by the Spirit.
Today, where do we need the Spirit’s help in our lives? Where is the Spirit leading us? Who has he put in our lives in this season? Where may he be calling us to step out in faith?
Yes, we are sent like the Son.
Sent, secure in our identity as loved children of God. Sent, as people of the Spirit. Sent, as ordinary people with the mission of God in our hands!
May you have a happy and holy Easter. May we all be ready and open for God to move afresh in our lives.
Grace and peace
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