Prayer for the World

Friday 18 Oct

Join with other believers in praying for the world.

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Father God, 

We pray for our world.

Thank you that since the beginning of time you have walked alongside your people. Thank you for your beautiful creation and the diverse places and cultures that you have established.

Help us to join with you mending our beautiful yet broken world. Help us restore your creation. May we find new ways to care for the environment and those affected by food scarcity and natural disasters.

God, we know that all are equal in your eyes. Be with those experiencing discrimination and disadvantage. Change attitudes and minds that all may live with dignity and hope.

We pray for increased access to healthcare and education in places where there is limited opportunity. May all people be able to thrive in their communities.

Jesus, we pray that children around the world will be able to grow, learn and play in safe and loving environments. May the children of Baptist Mission Australia team members continue to grow in faith, never forgetting that they can trust in you.

We pray for mission around the world. Strengthen our intercultural team members as they live life alongside people who are yet to encounter your goodness and love.

We pray for our country.

Thank you for the freedom we have to worship you and share the love of Jesus. In the midst of our fast-paced culture, let us not forget to use the gifts you have given us to help others.

We pray for First Nations people across the country. We recognise the deep hurt felt by so many and long for healing and reconciliation. We pray that the wider Australian community will welcome honest conversations as together we listen and learn.

We pray for our country’s leaders.

May they be wise in their decision making and lead with justice and compassion, lifting up the vulnerable and working for the good of all people.

Thank you for your love and care God.

In Jesus’ name we pray

This prayer has been developed as part of Walk the World, explore more prayer resources here > « Back to News