Life-Giving Forgiveness

Wednesday 24 Jul

God's Spirit opens a Gospel sharing opportunity for Max and Ezzie.

" 'I have committed such a great sin, and I can never be forgiven! I pray every night so that my sins will be forgiven but I don’t know if I am forgiven until the judgement day,' said Rachel, a local friend of ours. We (Max and Ezzie) told her that God our Father can indeed forgive our sins. Then we shared about the atonement of sins, forgiveness through the Son and receiving and accepting the love of the Son.

We know this is heavy and a lot to take in but we have been journeying together with her for a while now and felt the prompting of the Holy Spirit. She was open to reading the Bible with us. We are grateful for the opportunity and trusting the Holy Spirit will continue to work so that she will receive and experience the forgiveness of sin through Jesus.

Give thanks with us for all the connections we have made and the opportunities we have share God's love. Pray for Rachel as we journey alongside her, and look for more opportunities to share about deeper issues of faith and life. Pray that she will experience the life-giving forgiveness of Jesus. 

And praise God for all you supporters who are journeying with us! We thank God for each one of you. We cannot do what we do without you." - Max and Ezzie, South East Asia « Back to News