Tuesday 30 Aug
Muana and Villy share the testimony of their friend.
"We first met Uncle G six years ago. He was a student at the informal education program for adults in his community and he was keen to learn English. The relationship grew to another level when Muana, his teacher, visited him the during the Thai New Year in April to wish him a 'Happy New Year' and pray for him.
We invited him over for a meal and he began to join our weekly meetings and became a regular member of our small faith community in Chiang Mai. As a follower of Jesus, he enjoyed the worship and fellowship through the studies of scripture and having meals together. He took his responsibility of lighting the candle that symbolises Jesus as the light of the world at the start of our worship very seriously with deep reverence.
After severals years of following Jesus, Uncle G claimed that his '
life now was like sitting on a sofa that has a back rest to lean on. Before meeting Jesus, it was like sitting on a tiring stool.'
That was what Jesus meant to him - a God that he could lean on.
We are witnesses to his claim of his life being at peace after knowing Jesus and the wider family of God.
Sadly Uncle G recently passed away. We are thankful for the hope and peace that knowing Jesus brought to him in the later years of his life. Please pray for his family that they will one day experience the Father's love and for us too as we miss him dearly.
Pray that the seed of faith Uncle G had, will sprout in his community."
- Muana and Villy, team members in Thailand
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