Being Available - Australia

Wednesday 29 May

Paul shares how God is using him as he remains available to the Spirit's leading. 

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This video is just one of the many videos related to the Mending! theme of May Mission Month 2024. Explore more here >>


Prayer on Responding

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Lord Jesus,

Guide us as we strive to be available and responsive to your call. As your willing servants, may our lives reflect your inviting grace:

Openly seeking and embracing your direction and purpose,

Lovingly engaging with our community and beyond,

Eagerly responding to your call with action and faith,

Transforming our lives to serve better and follow you,

Seeking forgiveness and growth through every step and misstep,

Viewing each day as an opportunity to live out your love,

Glorifying you in our willingness to say, “Here I am, send me.”,

Removing our prejudices and opening our hearts to your leading,

Praying for the courage and strength to follow wherever you guide,

Actively listening for your voice amidst the noise of life,

Going out and embodying your love and light to others,

Seeking your wisdom in every decision and interaction,

And rejecting passivity and embracing your active mission.

The cross, the resurrection and the Gospel empower us to respond to your call. 

Lord Jesus, we rely on your Spirit and grace to be ever-ready responders, making ourselves available for your transformative work in the world.


This prayer has been written by Graham Joseph Hill as part of the Mending! Leader's Guide.

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