Crossing the Street

Bible study
Podcast series
Across the series, join host Jodie MacCartney as she talks to people around the world who are stepping out and crossing the street with the hope of Jesus in the communities they live. Jodie also draws on the experiences and learning of her own decade in Thailand. When we recorded this series, Jodie was a Mission Mobiliser at Baptist Mission Australia.

This episode explores what it means to be sent, whether we have to ‘go’ to be sent and the everyday choices we’ll be presented with as we seek to follow Jesus and live out our call. Caz shares a wonderful story of a local believer who has been sent like the Son in her community, and Andrew reflects on what he has learnt over a decade of journeying with people preparing to go.
Caz (South East Asia)
Andrew Palmer (former NSW/ACT State Leader)
The Empty Tomb (John 20:1-23) and Jesus’ Baptism (Mark 1:9-15)
In this second episode of our Crossing the Street series, Jodie speaks with Bek who serves in Mozambique with her husband Scott and their five children. Through stories and insightful personal reflections, Jodie and Bek explore what it means to meet people where they are. Their conversation covers the importance of presence, authenticity and attentiveness to the Spirit. They also dig into what we can learn about mission through Jesus’ transformative encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in John 4.
Bek (Mozambique)
The Woman at the Well (John 4:1-38)
The Crossing the Street series continues with this episode with Max and Ezzie who have been serving with the Baptist Mission Australia team in South East Asia for 11 years. Together with Jodie, Max and Ezzie explore what modelling the heart of Jesus means and how they are living this out in South East Asia. They also draw lessons from Jesus’ encounter with the widow whose son had died in Luke 7:11-17.
Max and Ezzie (South East Asia)
Jesus Raises the Widow’s Son (Luke 7:11-17)
In this final episode of the Crossing the Street podcast series, Jodie welcomes guests Chris MacCartney and Vivian to explore the theme of ‘Being the Good News Together’. Chris is a Mission Mobiliser at Baptist Mission Australia and Vivian is the Team Leader of our Outback Australia team.
Vivian (Outback Austalia)
Chris MacCartney (Mission Mobiliser)
The Good Samaritan (Luke 10:30-37)

Missioning is Baptist Mission Australia’s podcast. Through the podcast we hear stories from diverse global and local mission contexts and grapple with big issues of mission, life and faith.