Community Prayer Walk

This Community Prayer Walk is a great way to intentionally pray for your local area as a church or group. It’s an opportunity to take notice of the people and places that surround you, and to understand and pray for their needs. By walking with others, you will also be able to share stories, thoughts […]

Musical Countries

This Musical Countries activity is a fun way to pray for countries and communities around the world. It is an invitation to pray for Baptist Mission Australia intercultural team members and the communities they serve, while also being active.   How to participate Split participants into groups of 5-10. Place or write names of the […]

Water of Life

Water is of great significance not just in the Bible, but also in our daily lives both in Australia and all around the world. Water is essential for all living beings, including plants and animals. Water represents life, refreshment, fertility and birth. In the Bible, there are many references to water, such as Jesus turning […]

The Lord’s Prayer

Resources needed Bible: Mark 6:9-13   Activity Using the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples, you can pray for Baptist Mission Australia intercultural teams or specific team members who you know. Read the Lord’s Prayer line by line (bold), pausing after each phrase to allow open prayer; let the italic words form the basis for […]

Share A Meal

For many cultural groups, the meal table is the central place of social gathering and sharing. There are rituals, traditions, and special foods that have significance. By eating and experiencing an Asian or African meal together, you can gain an understanding of the culture of one of the people groups who have a limited opportunity […]

Prayer Trees

Coming together to pray as a community and putting action and images to those prayers can be very powerful. Creating a prayer tree is a wonderful way to unite in prayer for people with limited opportunity to hear the Gospel, and can become a lasting reminder of your community’s commitment.   Resources needed Prayer points […]

Prayer Stones

People of all cultures, languages and religions throughout history have drawn deep symbolic meaning from the humble stone. The Bible refers to fascinating stories that involve stones – from Moses striking the rock for water, to Paul referring to Jesus as the spiritual rock of the church. Today stones are often understood as a symbol […]

Prayer Spaces

​It is common practice in western culture to pray out loud in groups, one at a time. However in other cultures prayer can take on a very different look. Prayer stations are a great opportunity for people to step out of their comfort zone and practice praying in a different way. Participants can move around […]

Prayer Positions

Use these suggested positions from around the world. Try using different posture when praying for people in communities with very few followers of Jesus.   Activity Standing prayer Pray as the Yawo people pray Pray in confidence rejoicing and praising God with eyes open, looking up and hands uplifted towards heaven Praise God for the […]

Prayer of Thanksgiving

This prayer is all about giving thanks! Thank God that He is moving mountains, building His Kingdom and reconciling people to Him, through faith in Jesus Thank God for new followers of Jesus, for their freedom and eternal life Thank God for all who serve interculturally, for their faith-filled response and commitment to serving among […]

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