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Ministry Story - Stories in Spring

MinistryStory-2-Oct.jpgTash shares, ‘There are places in our city where churches are closing down and Christians are moving out. Places with few Gospel resources and places where people are very unlikely to ever meet a follower of Jesus. In the past month I’ve come to see how the community I serve in is in some... READ MORE >>

Prayer and Praise Points

Thurs 31 Oct - Wed 13 Nov

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31 T South Asia Pray for those impacted by sudden flooding in northern parts of the country. Pray for the South Asia team as they continue to journey alongside those struggling with the damage of homes and crops.

1 F South Asia Pray for Lisa as she spends time with team members and local colleagues in South Asia. May the Spirit guide and inspire her as she takes part in important meetings.

2 S Australia Pray for the wisdom and protection of church and community leaders in Outback Australia. May God guide them as they grow in faith and teach others.

3 S Australia Pray for Danny and Beth as they begin piloting some discipleship and leadership training in various communities. Pray that they will develop content that connects and unifies people.

4 M Malawi Pray for Joyce as she continues to teach Yawo women how to sew and set up small businesses. May these women experience the love of Jesus and find their hope in Him. 

5 T Malawi Pray for Jean-Claude as he visits four emerging faith communities, teaching and nurturing them. Pray that God will go before him and work in the hearts of those living in nearby villages, and may the Yawo believers be empowered to speak the Word of God.

6 W Thailand Give thanks that despite the devastation of the floods many followers of Jesus and people from different provinces have stepped out to provide help, shelter and food for those in need.

7 T Thailand Praise God for the 50th anniversary of the Thailand Baptist Missionary Fellowship (TBMF). Give thanks for the diverse range of ministries and people that God is using to share the hope of Jesus in Thailand.

8 F Walk the World Pray for Australian church communities as they gather together, walking and praying for their neighbourhoods. May this be a time of fun, reflection and growth. May people from different groups and generations be united in a shared hope for our world.
9 S Walk the World Pray for local communities across Australia. Gives thanks that God is working in the lives of local people and pray that all communities will be places of safety, love and respect. Pray for local churches as they reach out in the name of Jesus.

10 S Walk the World Pray for Baptist Mission Australia’s intercultural teams around the world. Pray that through our team members, people will encounter the Gospel through word and deed. Pray that each ministry will bring holistic transformation in the lives of local people.

11 M South East Asia Thank God for bringing many customers to Daz and Bee’s cafe. Pray for the cafĂ© staff as they adjust to the busyness, may the team grow in strength and trust as they work together. Pray for Daz and Bee as they seek to develop Kingdom values within the team culture. 

12 T South East Asia Daz and Bee have spent the last 9 months creating a sustainable foundation for the cafe and are now preparing to launch a barista traineeship program. Pray for them as they search for their first trainee barista - someone who wants a career in coffee but doesn’t have the means to access formal training.

13 W South East Asia Dave and Caz write, “Give thanks that Jesus brings hope to those who feel powerless. Pray for new believers impacted by poverty to experience holistic transformation.”