
Population: 82 million
Main Trade: Agriculture and manufacturing
Main Religion: Folk religion, Buddhism and Confucianism
Key Challenges: Poverty and human trafficking
Fact: Traditionally, cuisine is based around five fundamental taste elements; spicy (metal), sour (wood), bitter (fire), salty (water) and sweet (earth).


Short and long–term opportunities to join the team


Resources to assist individual and group prayer


Partner in the sharing of the Gospel


Read recent news from the team

Living among the Vietnamese people

“In Vietnam, our team serves through a vocational training centre for people with disabilities. The students are trained in teaching, business management, English, baking and more. We celebrate that this centre is fully managed and operated by local people with disabilities. As team members, we come alongside these young people and share the love of Christ by doing life together.

We have also begun a weekly house church gathering where we prepare a meal and invite the local staff to join us in exploring God’s Word and praying together. Our hope and prayer is that through our house church ministry, our friends will have the opportunity to experience God’s love and care, and to slowly grow in relationship with Jesus.” - Ngoc


Buddhist Lent Prayer Guide 2024
Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam

*Contact our team if you would like one or more printed copies mailed to you. 

What is Buddhist Lent?
The Buddhist Lent period extends from mid-July through to mid-October, the rainy season. Buddhists use this time to cleanse themselves of the ‘bad’ in their life and often make pledges to abstain from certain practices such as drinking alcohol. Buddhist monks spend this time at the temple studying Buddha’s scriptures, meditating, and chanting. It is common practice for a Thai monk to wake well before the sun has risen to chant, meditate and pray.

We know there is one true God who hears our prayers. We want to invite you to pray with us during this Lent period for the Ethnic people of Thailand, Cambodia and Vietnam. This guide will help you to follow the needs and prayer points of the Ethnic people and the Intercultural Team Members who work with them.

Please contact our team if you would like one or more printed copies of the prayer guide mailed to you. 


The Team