Wednesday 28 Mar
Joy as a Yawo man walks again.
For the past year, team members Cam and Kath have been getting to know a Yawo man, Costa. In 2013, Costa was involved in an accident where he broke his leg after falling off a tractor. Complications from the accident, and the lack of medical treatment, meant he was left unable to walk and has been confined to sitting in his yard.
Every time Cam visited him, he would pray with him. However, Cam felt that there was more he could do practically to support him. After speaking with doctors, medication and physiotherapy from Kath, Costa began improving and recently started walking for the first time since the accident! He can now walk for 200 metres without assistance.
Last week, Cam and Kath were sitting with Costa and listening to him express how happy he was to be more mobile than he has been in five years. Kath shared the story of Jesus healing the man with leprosy. At the end of the story, Costa smiled and said, “This story is just like my story!” He isn’t completely better and Cam and Kath are working to help him receive further medical treatment. They are praying that one day he will be completely healed, not just experiencing physical transformation, but a whole-of-life transformation as he meets the God who cares about him.
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