Our Risen King

Wednesday 05 Apr

This Easter, Scott reflects on a different kind of revolution.

We live in a time when on TV channels and streaming services across the globe, there is a fascination with the genre of historical monarchy.

Be it about a 17th century French king or a 16th century Scandinavian princess, viewers are drawn into stories of scandal, intrigue, romance, hatred, war and seemingly the constant threat of revolution. 

This weekend we celebrate revolution of another kind. We celebrate a King not drawn to military power or earthy privilege. We celebrate the amazing love of God and the robust resolve and courage of our Servant King.

The tools of this revolution: 
  • A bowl of water and dust-covered towel
  • Broken bread and a cup of wine
  • A crown of thorns 
  • Hammer and nails
  • Hands that would touch a leper, now bloodied and scarred
  • Humble obedience 
  • Unconditional love

Yes, here is the love of another kind! Yes, here is the way of the Servant King! 

A King that Luke recorded, resolutely entered into Jerusalem, knowing what was ahead, but prepared to do the Father’s will. Prepared to lay down His life for people like us. 

And there He is. Crucified, laid in a tomb, and then suddenly back from the dead. A Servant King! A Risen King! 

And then, holding the disciples - despite their brokenness, failures and ordinariness - in such esteem, He mandates them: “Just as the Father has sent me, so I send you.” 

Not sent as mercenaries to pursue their own agendas, but sent in Kingdom community, fuelled by the Holy Spirit, to be the hands and feet, the heart and voice, of their revolutionary King! 

This weekend – we enter again into the celebration of the sacrificial monarch. May we ponder again the love of our King. May we see anew the scars that bring healing and forgiveness to our lives. May we gaze again at the empty tomb and celebrate the power of the Risen King – that enables fear to give way to freedom and heartache to hope. 

And may we hear afresh the invitation, the challenge, the mandate of the revolutionary King. 
“Just as the Father has sent me, so I send you.” 

To this cause – the cause of Jesus, the cause of the Kingdom, the cause of humble, sacrificial, loving transformation we are called. 

This Easter, what may we need to put down in our lives so that we more reflect the way of the King? What may we need to take up, so that our lives, love and leadership look more like the way of the King?

This Easter may we experience renewal. May we use this special time to re-dedicate our lives to the way of the King!  As the hymn writer penned: “Love so amazing, so divine, demands my soul, my life, my all!”

Grace and peace


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