
Wednesday 26 May

Scott highlights the value to going together. 

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together,” says an old African proverb.

Collaboration is vital in the changing international mission landscape and it’s a key value captured throughout Global Interaction’s 2021-2025 Strategic Roadmap.

We see God’s Spirit increasingly leading us into innovative partnerships, as we embrace God’s gracious invitation to mission across the world and in Australia.

This week I had the opportunity to gather online with the General Secretary of the Baptist World Alliance, Dr Elijah Brown, and leaders from eight Baptist mission organisations from across the world to discuss the formation of a new, international Baptist Mission Network.

As a thinktank group we began to envisage what renewed global collaboration could look like across our movement, as we seek to share the Good News by word and deed with people who have never heard about Jesus in ways that make sense to them.

We already see partnerships like this bearing fruit, including our collaboration with International Ministries in our pioneering work in Vietnam, and our valuable partnership with the Mizoram Baptist Convention in India.

The Baptist World Alliance represents almost 50 million people from 241 member bodies spread across 126 countries. Many of these member bodies have mission arms and across the world they’re committed to multiplying disciples of Jesus.

So much is done in good faith, but with little communication, co-operation and collaboration with other like-minded Baptist organisations. This week it was good to be at a solution-focused table, thinking about how we can change this, including looking at what renewed partnerships across the world could look like.

Humbly, but passionately, our leadership sees Global Interaction has a role to play here and we look forward to seeing how the Holy Spirit leads us forward, opening new doors to collaborative, innovative missional partnerships.

Modelling collaboration, Global Interaction has joined with our Baptist Associations and Baptist agencies across Australia to make the Baptist World Alliance 2021 Virtual Congress available free of charge to people across our movement.

Interested people can find out more and register here. Choose the $70 registration section and when it comes to payment, add the coupon code ABM and press apply and there will be no charge to attend this special global gathering. Be in touch with our team if you need more information.

May Mission Month is also a great demonstration of partnership in action.

This special focus period comes to an end this weekend and we’re so thankful to God for our valuable partnerships with churches, families and individuals. It’s not too late to make a financial gift to support our work across the globe. You can find out more here.

Please join me in continuing to pray for our teams across the globe and our candidates preparing for intercultural service. Thank you for your continuing partnership.

Grace and peace
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